Last Quarter Moon

Find this Moon in the Sky

Light and dark are in balance again on the face of this moon. You won’t see the Last Quarter in the evening sky if you retire early. It rises after midnight. But not too worry—you can find it in the morning sky. This moon sets around noon.
From the 'Moon Lover' series by Dana Gerhardt
Time to reorient yourself. There are doors you opened that didn’t take you where you wanted to go. There are enemies you’ve battled that turned into windmills. No matter how it looks, your frustrations now result more from inner conditions than outer. Your task is to let go of illusions and face yourself. It’s not so bad. After the shedding you’ll feel stronger. This phase is like a monthly turn from autumn into winter. Let your many thought-leaves go; admire the bare limbs of your essential nature. If you’re feeling restless, it may be that you’ve got a creative streak ahead of you. Don’t waste it battling those who "just don’t get it." Not everyone sees around the next curve. Enjoy this pause. The time for action comes again at the next new moon. Gather your will; sharpen your intentions. Breathe like an aware Buddha; smile like a wise goddess.