At this extra moony moment–the year’s only Full Moon ruled by the Moon–we find ourselves in an ultra-liminal space. We are poised between the years. 2020 is ending–2021 begins. Much of 2020’s struggle is behind us. New possibilities are ahead. If you’d like to cook up a little authentic moon magic on this night, you can offer yourself to the Moon. All you need is awareness and a proper prayer.
The Offering
Shortly after sunset, go someplace with a nice view of the eastern horizon. This can be somewhere special or just your driveway or backyard. The Moon is everywhere. Choose a place where you can feel safe enough to be vulnerable. If the Moon hasn’t risen yet, wait comfortably until she does.
Gradually shift out of the churning of your thoughts by increasing your awareness of the natural world. Even in the city, there is nature. Observe the weather. Look for signs of the current season. Was it warm or cold today? Is the air now windy or calm? In what growth stage are the surrounding plants and trees? Are they barren? Rich with leaves, blossoms, and fruit? As you relax into this great womb of living energies, notice how you too belong in nature’s family, here alongside the trees, insects, stones, and birds.
Refine your attention. Specifically–notice the relationship between land and sky. Observe how the natural world is responding to the energy of this night. Full moons are much brighter than the average moon phase. Their luminous mystical qualities seem to permeate everything, including you.
Observe the moonlight on your skin. Listen too for the sounds of the night. Perhaps there’s a chorus of voices, insects buzzing, cars on the road, a mother calling to her child, silence. Let the energy of the time penetrate you. Can you think of a word that perfectly describes the mood in the atmosphere? Trust your perceptions.
Now go inward. Feel into the beating of your own heart. Breathe into this space. Relax. Perhaps you’ll notice a spontaneous sigh as your lungs and heart gently come into a natural rhythm. It will feel primal and comforting when they do. A sound may begin murmuring inside you, an ancient “Hrum,” “Ohm” or “Haiyeeee.” You may be arrested by a profound silence. If your mind is still active, dial it down to a whisper. Feel instead for the animal in your body. How is your animal self responding to the Moon?
Prayer of Devotion for the Moon
If you are so moved, inside this beautiful temple of your own awareness, you can pledge your devotion to the Moon for the coming year. Recite, with sincerity, this simple prayer:
I attune my outer life and my inner soul
to the infallible rhythm of the Moon,
who monthly empties, is reborn, and grows full.
Oh Great Goddess, who tills the garden of the Earth
Oh Wise Weaver of Time
Oh Star of Life
Oh Mother of the World
Bestow upon me your generous life and light.
Make me more loving this year.
Make me caring, calm, prosperous and bright.
Hold me in your heart in 2021
and I’ll hold you in mine.
Let’s nourish each other.
Let’s keep meeting this way
you and me
in the wild and wonderful
days ahead.
So be it! Ah! Ho! Hrum! Haiyeeee!
Make 2021 the year of the Moon! Enter the Moon’s Temple and support yourself my monthly Moon workshop. It’s filled with goodies that can keep you focused, connected, and joyful in the months ahead. Enroll here.
michael says
to grow
from within the close, antechamber of light,
the archway of incarnation beckons,
drawing us in
to the fullness of this moment,
as Luna and Sun share quantum space with stars
from the world of mind
on wings of sound
a wave of vibration enters
the matrix of moisture and flesh
a recognition of home, far from home,
an en trance
as hands hold the soft light of hope,
as form creates form,
in the reflective power
of thought and feeling,
of a still mirror,
a dilated iris
taught by snowflakes and crystals
by what falls and what dies
by what forms and what lives
fresh born
Sarah says
Thank you. I happened upon your site a couple days ago and am grateful. I’m a cancer, 6/26/65 and always felt connected to the moon. My Dad was a cancer, too, 6/29/21. He died when I was young but I feel like the moon has helped keep him close to me. Hope you are well!
Sarah Murphy
Chris H says
Your words are a comfort as always but even more so this past year…thank you for sharing your wisdom~
Stella Figliano says
Beautiful! Thank you ♡