When Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor was recovering from a massive stroke, she had a sign put on the door of her hospital room that read, “Please be responsible for the energy that you bring into this room.” She was asking every medical professional who entered to leave their negative thinking at the door, because she knew that her best chance of recovering from the brain hemorrhage was to surround herself with only positive thoughts, words and energies.
Taylor, who described her eight-year recovery process in the best-selling 2008 book My Stroke of Insight, had been swimming in a dreamy, right brain state in which she could no longer speak, read, walk or remember anything from her past. Yet something deep inside her knew there was a solution. And with the help of a supportive team, she gradually began to surface and regain full access to her logical left brain.
The neuroanatomist, who has a stubborn, determined Sun in Taurus in a close square to creative, independent Uranus in Leo, originally began studying severe mental illnesses because she wanted to understand the mysterious functions of the brain-mind. By witnessing her own brain shut down, then painstakingly rebuilding its neural pathways, she unexpectedly discovered a new sense of freedom and peace. She’d tapped into her whole brain – and ultimately began teaching others how to do the same.
Uranus in hard aspect to the Sun can be challenging, even alienating, but it can also bring brilliance and breakthroughs. And that is just what’s on offer at the Aquarius Full Moon (August 11, 6:35 p.m. PT). The Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius, both at 19 degrees, make a close square to unpredictable Uranus (plus, Uranus is very Aquarian to begin with!). Be prepared for some potential shocks or surprises. Plans can change on a dime. And yet, since the Moon also conjuncts Saturn, a more serious, responsible energy, lasting solutions to problems can be found if we’re patient and determined.
At this Full Moon, the Saturn-Uranus square is being reactivated. That clash between conservative and progressive, authority and anarchy, has sparked division world-wide since 2021 – though its ultimate goal is to synthesize the best of the old and the new. Now this potent square is coming back into focus as it approaches its final near-exactitude in October. As I wrote about in the New Moon forecast, Mars also activates this square from August 1 – 7 when it conjuncts Uranus and the North Node of destiny in Taurus, then squares Saturn in Aquarius. We’re all feeling the (nerve-wracking?) push-pull of this energy, and the Full Moon is apt to intensify it. Part of us wants us to break through barriers to get on with what’s next, while another part of us may get discouraged and retreat into old, unworkable ways of doing things.
The North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio are prominent as they square the Sun and Moon– creating a fixed, determined T-square. This lunation means business – and could bring a fateful turning point. Since Aquarius is an air sign, concerned with communication and collaboration, it supports us in pooling our efforts for the common good. That may involve a board you’re on that’s planning events, a grassroots coalition that’s working for change, or a support group helping each other to heal. Energize your primary connections now. Be clear and specific about your needs, and help others to meet theirs.
There will be disruptions in the next few months with the final hurrah of the Saturn-Uranus square, which culminates at a humdinger of a lunar eclipse on Nov. 8. Stay focused on the bigger picture as much as possible. For inspiration, read books or watch videos by folks like Jill Bolte Taylor. Look for solutions and begin implementing them. Tell yourself, “There is a solution to this problem, and I easily find it now.” At this Full Moon, call a friend, go to an event, and find other ways to surround yourself with positive vibes and purposeful intentions. And remember, you’re not alone.
Thank you as always for your synthesis of relevant life analogies and astrology.
The philosophical revelations since the New Moon and a roller coaster of personal experiences particularly since Aug. 1st, moving ahead with positive action then dropped in deep waters with disturbing unexpected news affecting my closest relationships has me quite muddled.. So after work tonight I communed with my garden and the bees then came inside feeling myself drop into the unconscious realm of cause, affects and choices, tears rose and fell….. it struck me how my Saturn dominated birth chart has been a 60+ long lesson in letting go of things I love and hold closest to heart…closest attachments….coming, going, coming anew and going…and then the salt water gushed up like a sudden gyser…and I asked Saturn, what next for me now? I looked out the kitchen window seeing the evening sun illuminating the bushy sunflowers a buzz with honey makers and the bright pink dahlias standing boldly erect and I remembered …today is the Full Moon. What time? Check Mooncircles…..Ahh, right….7 minutes ago…at the peak of the salty fountain rise and fall!
Me a moonie Mother, All of us, in the flow among stars.
Lunar blessings to you, Narda – it sounds like you’re in the flow!