My life has been out of sorts since 2005. Loss of my career, it was my identity, loss of father, loss beloved Sabrina my Siamese cat of 19 plus years. Moved away from my beach home and back to PA with my mother since 2008. Things with my mom have been getting much worse and downright unbearable. Well after a lot of false starts I am truly ready to move forward…PLEASE I only need a little direction where to FOCUS to start my journey. I am ready to recreate myself and be a better version of myself this go around. Much thanks and Blessings to you, Denise
Dear Denise, When life as we’ve known it dissolves, our task is to undulate ourselves out of our outgrown skin, to courageously drop the veils of self-identity, to stand vulnerable and naked in the pure emptiness of our essential self, and to be present to the teachings of the fallow field within.
Sagebrush flower essence supports emptying ourselves of all that is inessential. It is a perfect flower essence to receive when what previously defined us has fallen away. Have you given yourself ample space to process and assimilate all that you’ve experienced, Denise? Honoring this season fully will nourish the soil in which your new life will take root. If you feel complete with this process, and find yourself standing at the starting line of “recreating yourself,” congratulations to you, and welcome to a new season!
You may feel supported in the gentlest way by receiving the essence of Rock Water and of Star Tulip flower essence. They are both considered “receptivity” essences—a perfect energy for receiving the guidance and direction you seek. The combination of these two essences will assist you in softening with yourself and honing your “inner listening” skills as you select-with-care the seeds you will plant.
What ignites your passion? What colors and textures do you want to wear? What surprises you? What are you inspired to invest your time and energy in? What brings a spontaneous and beaming smile to your face? Yield to the questions arising from within. Receive messages from your dream or meditation time, messages meant just for you! Softly now, plant the seeds of your new life, and follow through by watering them with your gratitude, your faith, and your trust in their innate wisdom. Listen for direction, and follow it! Notice how each step points you in the direction of your next step.
You are, indeed, recreating yourself, Denise, one-step-at-a-time, and the “better version of you” is simply a more whole and authentic you–a truer you. How very lovely you are! Jane