Dear Luna,
Will I find my way to a healthy relationship with a man?
Thanks, Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth, Creating a happy, healthy relationship is largely a matter of using your imagination – something you have in abundance with the Sun conjunct Neptune in relationship-oriented Libra. I’m not talking about a fairy tale fantasy with no roots in the physical world, but one in which you share a deep, spiritual union while also doing the work required to make your dreams come true. That work starts with opening your heart and healing any trust issues from the past around men (which could be an issue for you, with Jupiter, Mars, Moon and Venus all in Scorpio), so you can imagine and create the future you desire. There are some simple but vital steps you can take to clear the past and magnetize the relationship that’s right for you. Check out Arielle Ford’s wonderful book The Soulmate Secret to learn more.
With transiting Uranus opposing your Mercury and Pluto squaring it this year, you’re in the perfect cycle for releasing the past and stepping into the future. Mercury is the ruler of your 7th house of partnership, with Gemini on that point. You’re attracted to cultured, literate, perhaps foreign men (Mercury and Sun in the 9th house). Are you living somewhere that attracts such men? If not, Uranus approaching your 4th house cusp says, Go to them! Move to a foreign country, or at least take a trip. Brush up on your French or Spanish and embark on an adventure – it’s never too late to find love! Love, Luna and Simone