Dear Luna, Am I where I need to be in my relationship? Thanks, Danielle.
Dear Danielle, You have two divergent themes going on in your chart. One is your great desire to help and heal others, shown by your Sun-Chiron conjunction – the ‘wounded healer’ archetype. Yet with Chiron so prominent, you may be afraid to fully express your fiery Aries nature, i.e. ask for what you want and be yourself. Also, your Jupiter-Venus conjunction in Pisces suggests that you give people the benefit of the doubt while always striving to be more loving and forgiving. There’s nothing wrong in that; just make sure you’re not over-giving or choosing partners who aren’t worthy of second chances.
The other big theme in your chart relates to personal freedom. Your Aries Sun is in the solar first house of the self, opposed to changeable Uranus in the seventh house of others. This shows that you tend to attract either unstable partners or those who value freedom more than commitment. The real lesson here lies in finding your own freedom and being willing to stand up for your needs in relationships. You have Moon in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus), which makes you a great friend and very live-and-let-live, but also shows that you need a lot of freedom. Are you getting it? Do you feel free in your current relationship to see your friends, be yourself, have time alone, etc.? Does this relationship bring out the best in you, or are you constantly worrying you’re not doing enough or that YOU aren’t enough? If the latter, that’s a red flag that you need to take a big step back and regain your autonomy. The total solar eclipse of Aug. 21 activates your solar fifth house of romance, showing that change is coming. Then, by mid-Sept. transiting Jupiter activates your Sun-Uranus opposition, bringing relationship matters to a head. That combination demands change so that things work better – or could signal a split if it’s not a good fit. Meanwhile, continue cultivating that love and light – but direct it first and foremost toward your own healing. Love, Luna (Simone Butler)