I was born May 25, 1952. I have worn so many hats during my life – sung, acted, bar tended, managed a health salon, waited tables and now I have been in the corporate world for about 15 years. I moved to the mountains outside of L.A after a horrible divorce and really love it. Although I commute 130 miles a day, I have found a certain peace that I had during my “hippie” years in the Santa Cruz Mountains which makes the drive worthwhile when I come home. But now I am 61 years old and fear that my company will be laying me off soon. I found yoga 4 years ago and have found it to balance out this double Gemini. I found it helps me with menopause and and an aging body which has motivated me to to decide to go to yoga school and become a teacher. I hope I can help other seniors discover that wherever we are is OK and help them work with their limitations as I have. I have to pay more money than I have to accomplish this goal which makes me a little nervous. I will never be able to retire completely and would love to give service at the same time as I supplement my social security. I guess what I am asking is: will I be a good teacher? Is this a wise move for me? In gratitude and appreciation! (DS)
What fun to see your Gemini Sun and Moon in your 9th house of the teacher which is a powerful YES to your question regarding your ability and calling to become a teacher. Gemini’s are wonderful proponents of anything they are genuinely interested in; after 4 years you have demonstrated you are interested in and committed to yoga. With your natal Uranus in your career house, you are here to individuate through the many expressions of yourself you have and continue to express in your career, those many hats. Now transiting Uranus is squaring your natal Uranus with transiting Pluto opposing it leading you to correctly question how long your current corporate job will last and what your next career will be. While I would need more information to be sure your corporate job will end in 2014, it surely could. You are wisely preparing for your next chapter. Also, you have been in the corporate world for half a Saturn cycle, always a key time to review your commitment and trust that this may be the time for a change. Discovering yoga 4 years ago which has become a vital part of your life, your well being and possibly your next career should be visible in your chart – what was taking place in your chart then? First, your progressed Sun moved from Cancer into Leo 3+ years ago, transiting Neptune (the ruler of yoga) squared your Venus (a wonderful time to fall in love with a spiritual passion), both transiting Jupiter (opportunity and purpose) and Neptune conjuncted your North Node of the Moon (a direction for your destiny) and your progressed Moon was conjuncting your natal Pluto revealing your evolution into your destined path. Wow, this convergence validates your journey to this moment. Transiting Saturn currently in your 2nd house of income/spending is never a good time to spend money you don’t have unless it is an investment in a future to which you are committed. Many new businesses are begun and become successful with transiting Saturn in the 2nd house. I suspect your move to the mountains resonating with a past period of happiness and ease was a key decision supporting your current unfoldment. You are clearly exactly where you need to be.
I feel so lost. I was born April 22, 1964. For the past 20 years since my Saturn return the prime focus of my energies has been building my small business. I am an antiques & collectibles dealer and I conduct estate sales. By all accounts I am successful with an excellent professional reputation, plenty of work and a comfortable living. But, over the last number of years I’ve had the nagging feeling of “is this all there is?” and a growing sense that I want to be of service to our troubled planet in a different and bigger way. Plus, I’m burnt out after working 60+ hours a week for years. As the holidays approach I find myself feeling very much alone. I recently ended a rocky 2 ½ year relationship and am still grieving the loss. I yearn for a close, loving relationship after years of pursuing unavailable men I want to find someone to grow old with. I also need a new life/career direction but feel stuck, scared and unsure how to proceed. Any insights you can share would be greatly appreciated. With gratitude. (MG)
Perfect question and feelings for this moment in your life. Your focus on business along with your hard work over many years and your success is clearly natural with your Sun/Mercury/Jupiter conjunction in Taurus trine your Moon/Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo. All your earth planets needed to envision, build and succeed in a substantial business which could result in a solid reputation, financial security and a proven knowledge that you are capable and effective. You have succeeded admirably!
Now, however, transiting Neptune is conjunct your Midheaven dissipating your motivation and satisfaction in your business. It is time to begin to release this previous life and purpose in order to move into the stage of your life when your natal Moon/Uranus/Pluto conjunction propels you into the work you are here to do; first, Neptune dissolves, then it re-inspires. Neptune will not complete its conjunction to your MC until late January and your progressed Mercury is squaring your natal Saturn suggesting it is too soon to know what your new direction will be. Over the next several years Neptune will oppose your natal Uranus/Pluto/Moon in that order as your new life becomes visible, possible and real. Remember that you bring the same vision, planning, effort and success to your next chapter as you did to your current life. Interestingly, your progressed Moon is now at the degree of your North Node of the Moon, your progressed Venus will be there in approximately a year and a half and your solar arc progressed Neptune will be conjunct the South Node of the Moon in 6 months. This convergence signals that you will become aware of and able to begin your new work in the next 1 to 2 years.
Your mission is stay tuned which requires that you take some time to relax, meditate, enjoy nature/art/soulful pursuits and trust your own intuition. Venus, the ruler of your 5th house of romance, is in your 12th house frequently manifesting as men who cheat, promise what they cannot deliver, disappoint or are unavailable in some way; however, you are now aware you pursue these men, you have ended your previous relationship, you now seek as permanent and successful a relationship as your career illustrating that you are ready for genuine happiness in partnership. At this time of recognition, your solar arc progressed Moon is opposite both your natal Sun, men in your life, and your natal Jupiter, the ruler of your 7th house of partnership which will be followed in 2 years by your solar arc Pluto. In 2 years both these major, important areas of your life will be renewed, your job is to align yourself with Neptune trusting the future you rightly feel is unfolding.