My question: I seek clarity on “working/earning a living” in this life time. I feel as though I may be cheating life and myself simultaneously since I am 46 years young and have so far struggled with gaining a higher understanding of what having a job means and requires for me. The longest job I held was in the middle of the failed pregnancy before the one in which my son came through. It was a part-time gig recruiting international exchange students. I’ve always done consulting/freelancing for the most part. I desire steady income but more importantly the expression of my many creative talents in a way in which they generate steady income. I am tired of feeling UNSTABLE!! My birthday is January 11, 1965. Goddess blessings. SS
Stability is the essential foundation of an accomplished Capricorn life. It is natural that you as a Capricorn Sun with 6 planets in earth would be very, very tired of feeling unstable. As transiting Saturn heads toward your Ascendant this year you are wisely sensing that it is time to address your capacity to be successful and accomplished. Interestingly, you suggested that you may be “cheating life and yourself” until you discover and commit to understanding the role that work, career, contribution, accomplishment and success are meant to play in your life. Our current model of working because we have to support ourselves or justify our existence or have a career success to have a valid identity is inhumane and unnatural which you wisely know. Your natal North Node of the Moon is in your 9th house of life purpose, ruled by Mercury, the mind and what we know, which is in Sagittarius conjunct Venus in the 3rd house of communication. You know that a higher understanding of purpose, work, and career contribution are important components of a healthy, productive, evolving life. Clearly the emphasis in your chart on Gemini/Sagittarius through planets in Sagittarius, your Moon’s nodes in the 3rd and 9th houses of the mind and understanding, and your chart ruler in the 3rd house does highlight your many talents, particularly in the arena of communication. Recruiting and consulting are a few of your natural skills, so are teaching, writing, speaking, mediating, advocating. A 4th house Sun in Capricorn will be a bit slower to come out into the world. Many planets in earth are often more focused in life as they mature finding their path later in life. Saturn in the 5th house of children will take quite seriously the job of raising children as you have and likely delay your full creative flowering. Thus, you are now at the stage of life when you rightly sense it is time to turn to fully developing your creative talents. The last couple of years as transiting Uranus squared or opposed your Nodes, Mercury, Venus and Mars would have been a time of change, movement, instability and preparation for this fall when Saturn reaches your Ascendant for the first time in 29 years. You are entering the next phase of your life when you will find your work, your success in the world and your full expression of your many creative talents. Transiting Pluto is trining your Moon, the ruler of your 10th house of career, this year which makes this the perfect time for you to spend this spring and summer accessing your abilities, interests and prospects. Then as the fall arrives you can begin this new, successful, stable period of your life. Transiting Jupiter will make a positive trine to your natal Moon which rules your career house in July and October of 2012. This aspect will bring you the opportunities you feel you are ready for. In addition, the Pluto trine to your Moon is even more important and powerful than Jupiter for manifesting your career. Good luck!
I was born February 27, 1964. I’ve been through a letting go of my previous life for the last 8 years. I was married for 22 years. When is my new life going to begin or is there still some letting go to be done? I gave up ownership in everything as well as my 4 children in order to leave that marriage. Thanks. MKV
Uranus has been your constant companion for many years beginning in 2002 when this letting go process began to dominate your life. Uranus calls us to liberate ourselves from that which binds, no longer fits, and is not authentic, to seek our freedom. At such a time it is imperative that we find the courage to do what we feel we must even if society does not approve of our choices. Your birth chart shows Mercury conjunct Saturn in late Aquarius, Mars/Sun/Chiron conjunct in Pisces and Moon/Uranus/Pluto conjunct in Virgo. All of these planets were either conjuncted or opposed by Uranus since 2002 ushering in a time of letting go of everything as you did. It is nice to talk about individuating, awakening and freeing ourselves in the abstract but in reality giving up your marriage, your children, your property and the life you had build must have been very difficult. Transiting Uranus was moving through late Aquarius in 2002, then moving into Pisces in 2003 during which time it has aspected 7 of your 10 natal planets and Chiron. Whew, in March of 2011 transiting Uranus will move out of Pisces and into Aries putting a period on these past 8 years. The movement of Uranus out of your Sun sign along with your 12 year Jupiter return, transiting Pluto sextiling your Sun/Mars and trining your Moon do promise a new life beginning this year. However, you will also have transiting Saturn opposing your natal Venus/Jupiter conjunction by the fall and into 2012 as well as transiting Pluto approaching a conjunction to your south node of the Moon opposing your north node of the Moon in 2012. This overlap of transits suggests that 2011 and 2012 will be a gradual though significant transition into your new life. Why would you be faced with letting go of so much in your life and for such a long period of time? You were born with your Sun and Mars opposing Uranus and Pluto in the houses (2nd and 8th) of money, possessions, loss and transformation indicating that this life would be one in which you would have to let go of attachment to everything we normally deem necessary to our identity and survival. This intense natal lineup was triggered by both transiting Pluto moving into Sagittarius in 1995 and more powerfully by Uranus in 2001 and 2002, the time when you would know you had to free yourself and recreate your life. Your progressed Moon is in a new moon phase also signaling this new life that you are seeding for your new future. This is the end of the tunnel with the light now ever more visible.