I have noticed all of the references to Aquarius and Leo on the website this month and it has led me to wonder what kind of significance this indicates for people who are Aquarians with Leo rising? I was very curious when I read one article referencing our uniting our humanity with creativity. I was wondering if there is a special emphasis on this if one is born with both signs in their personal chart. Especially with the upcoming eclipse. My birth date is February 4, 1964. I am sure everyone sees their own chart as being unique and indeed we are unique but I have always felt confusion over the combination of my Aquarius sun, my Leo rising and my Scorpio moon. I feel as though there is significance to this trio but no astrologer has ever mentioned it as being significant. Just a feeling I have, what do you think? CF
Indeed, we are all unique. You are quite right to sense the power of your fixed sign trio of sun, moon and ascendant, a force to be reckoned with. The recent eclipse in Aquarius/Leo did fall across your ascendant making this a time for you to feel the expansion of your heart, your identity, and your connection to life. We have been experiencing not only the lunar eclipse but also an unusual lineup of planets in Aquarius as we recognize that we are collectively and personally going to have to create a more real, just and humane world for ourselves. Our awareness is ever more attuned to the coming Aquarian Age when we can unite and must unite to recreate a more loving, hospitable world for us all. As an Aquarius sun you are sensitive to this growing Aquarian potential. In addition you were born into the Uranus/Pluto conjunction of the 1960’s making you naturally aware of the new consciousness that is currently intensifying. Having so many personal planets in fixed signs is challenging but remember that they possesses great strength and purpose. Your Scorpio moon is conjunct Neptune aligning your inner world of feeling with the transpersonal nature of your conscious sun nature and demanding that you do allow yourself to feel, feel deeply, confront your deepest feelings and use your intuition and knowledge to benefit others not to manipulate them for your own needs. Leo rising gives natural warmth, generosity of spirit and open heartedness which is both a balance for your Aquarian intellect and perspective as well as a genuine desire to love and be loved personally. You are capable of loving individually and collectively yet you do have the responsibility to develop these demanding and sometimes competing aspects of your own nature, then to build both a personal life as well as one that contributes to the amazing times we are living in.
I just read one of the posted questions today and I felt so connected with a woman who was experiencing situations so similar to those in my own life. I have been struggling for 10 years to have a stable, loving, committed, strong, solid and consistent romantic partner but nothing works. All my partners run away after a couple of weeks. This has been very hard for me but I still have some hope that my Prince Charming is coming my way. To be sincere I feel like my better years have passed me by. I was born November 10, 1970 and I recently met a guy who was born on March 13, 1972. What do you think? MF
It does help to feel connected to another person’s experience. We human beings have so many common struggles that are a reflection of our common evolution. Relationships are often very hard since they are based on our expectations, our childhood models, our past relationships which may have been traumatic and the reality that so many of us are still learning how to love ourselves and others. As a Scorpio, which is both a feeling archetype and a relationship sign, you are naturally going to seek a partner who can offer you all the qualities you mentioned. Though you are a Scorpio sun, you also have an Aries moon and Gemini rising revealing that you are an independent, dynamic woman who has needed to experience your own life exploring the world around you. Not only is your moon in Aries but it is opposite Uranus intensifying your individualistic nature and your need for freedom. I suspect that you have not been very aware of these conflicting needs in yourself which are mixed signals that have been drawing in men who are attracted to you but also leave you. I would advise you to step back from your powerful desire to have the relationship you envision and enjoy your strengths and who you have become on your own. From this more relaxed and confident position you will be lighter (as much as a Scorpio can be) and a more confident man will be attracted to you. You were born with Saturn opposite your sun and Venus retrograde indicating that you will find your partner when you are a bit older as you are now and that you will have gone through a number of relationships that did not last to find the one that does. Your progressed Venus is now direct and will soon be back to its birth degree freeing up your future relationships to be successful as long as you are more aware of your own complex needs. This new man is attracted to you, does find you interesting, also has a need for independence and connection and does want to find a committed relationship. Without a birth time for him I am not sure where his moon is and that is critical to assessing his emotional nature but I am sure he is worth your attention. Enjoy him, see what happens when you are more at ease with all of your needs and know that life has definitely not passed you by. In fact, you are only beginning to meet the men who could be the partner you have envisioned now that your Venus is ready for love.