I am so happy I found your site! I am a Capricorn born January 16, 1984. My whole life has been marked with one dark, tragic journey after another. I was born into just about the worst, most toxic/negative family who tried my entire childhood to destroy my bright nature and positivity through their verbal, physical and emotional abuse. I escaped them barely and have always tried to do the right thing but my life is constantly shattered by tragedy. I am a hair stylist and artist finding that none of my clientele is sticking. It’s like people hate everything I do. My apartment is in evictions, my husband was cheating on me with many women, and no one wants to rent my spare room which would help me avoid eviction. Nothing seems to ever go right for me no matter how hard I try, work or improve. Literally from birth I have had horrible luck. I am not sure I can go on another 29 years if this is it. Are there any transits coming up that I can look forward to? I greatly appreciate any insight you can lend me. (CC)
The first 29 ½ years of your Capricorn life has been very hard, tough, painful and seemingly unfair as you struggle to survive and thrive with the world throwing one hardship, loss and betrayal after another at you. As you meet your first Saturn return this fall it is quite reasonable to confront the reality that if this is all your life will ever be, why would you want to continue it for another 29 ½ years. Saturn returns are a renewal of our soul/destiny contract. The questions, observations and reflections you describe are just the ones you ideally would be asking in order to make the best possible decisions about how to proceed.
I am sure you do have a light, bright spirit which is clearly delineated by your Gemini Ascendant and 4 planets in Sagittarius yet you also have exquisite sensitivity shown by your Cancer Moon and 3 planets in Scorpio. The Gemini and Sagittarius archetypes are light, bright and positive while the Scorpio and Capricorn archetypes are dark, defensive and fearful. Both are you, the bright child, defending your spirit against the dark, hurtful family; both are also within you, one conscious and one unconscious. It is inevitable that a part of your nature/spirit would be unconscious when your only experience of the Scorpio/Capricorn qualities has been your painful family history.
Your Saturn return is not a choice between a life with more luck or one that remains stubbornly unlucky; it is a choice to let go of your past, face your internal shadow, pain and fear, and integrate that history in order to find your strength, mission and magnetism. Clearly, your family past is not your fault but this is the right time to heal that past by entering your 8th house subconscious (Scorpio’s work) where both the memories and the healing power lie. This deep healing, shadow, transformative work cannot be done entirely alone, only with and through others as you do your work.
Yes, a transpersonal therapist along with a talented energy, body worker would be perfect but, no, the money isn’t available for that right now. I would suggest you look for a group that is doing shadow work with a competent guide, perhaps through a Unity Church. It is time to replace your harsh family with a caring group who will support and love you. What I am suggesting is that your Saturn return is meant to be the healing that opens the door to a wholly new, healthy life. Capricorns believe if they just work harder, it will all change, however, your shadow/opposite sign as well as your Moon are in the sign of Cancer. You need TLC with people who will not abuse your vulnerability, who will embrace it. You already work hard enough; now your lesson is to work with others who will work with you. Scorpio planets (your Mars/Pluto/Saturn) do attract jealousy, envy, competition, betrayal and rejection until they don’t. That shift is your re-empowering yourself through deep healing after which you will attract the future not the continual out picturing of the past.
First, this Saturn return is the time to make the next 29 ½ years what you are capable of without the burden of your past. Jupiter conjuncted your Ascendant last spring where it is offering a reset, more confident better future when you let go and move on. Uranus is trining your natal Uranus allowing and encouraging you to either leave or remake your marriage and find a like-minded business environment and clientele. Neptune is trining your natal Mars/Pluto dissolving everything that is not resonant with your future destiny which will lead to that job, insight and healing opportunity which is resonant. Dissolving, letting go, is painful but necessary when what we letting go of is hurting us. Recent transits and progressions have been very hard; however, these developments are now over. Your progressed Venus will conjunct your natal Sun over the next year which leads to love, financial gain, a much better work environment and spiritual growth and happiness. It is going to get better though your ticket to that future does require emotional change and release.
Hi, I was born June 17, 1983. I recently lost my job on December 3, 2012. It is not the first time this has happened. I also lost my job in December 2010. Each New Year I get a new job but come December it is always the same. Please help. (KD)
Ouch, this continual pattern is discouraging. Interestingly, you were born with both Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 10th house of career leading to many challenges in your career direction, experience and job security. Venus, which rules your 10th house of career, is in Leo sextile your Jupiter/Uranus/Mercury telling us that you can always find jobs due to your talents, ideas, presentation and skills. You are an attractive candidate, however, keeping a job is challenging unless or until you find a career, position, company and colleagues who can offer you the Saturn security/future and Pluto opportunity to contribute/empowerment you rightly seek. The bad news is that this combination has made it hard to find the right job or career opportunity creating your pattern of insecure jobs and losses (the shadow experience of your 10th house Saturn/Pluto); the good news is that this can be the end of your frustrating career pattern due to your Saturn return last year in your 10th house.
It is crucial that you are as careful as you can financially afford to be as you seek and choose to accept a new job which must meet as many of your criteria as possible. For you, just getting the job is not the issue; ask yourself what you really want in a job, where you want go in your career future and how you plan to achieve your career goals. This time just after your Saturn return is the time to seriously examine not your past jobs or reasons for their ending but your responsibility to know what you want, what you need to do to achieve your goals and to be completely honest about what you must change/develop in yourself to empower your own career future. This is a breakthrough/pattern shattering moment.
Transiting Jupiter will move into your 6th house of work/jobs in the spring where it can deliver either a job or a promotion if you have already found a job. With transiting Saturn still in your 10th house (and squaring Venus, the ruler of your career house until fall) be willing to work hard, learn as much as you can in and outside your job and build a foundation for your success. As transiting Neptune squares your natal Mercury/Jupiter/Uranus, it is crucial to listen to your own guidance/intuition and to find/trust your vision for your desired future. Your Gemini Sun/Mercury/Mars is bright, charming, verbal and engaging, however, you can be a bit impulsive and easily bored which may be affecting your job choices and performance; yet your Virgo Moon is less confident, more tentative and a bit unsure of how successful you have been or can be yet hardworking, skilled and competent. Hopefully, you either have or are seeking a loving, supportive partner which is always an emotional anchor for a Gemini. This is the time when you can begin and build a successful professional and personal life.