I have been enjoying the web site and would really appreciate it if you could help me out with a medical question. My Cairn terrier needs to have some medical tests done and I was wondering when would be the best Moon day for it. The test is supposed to be safe but I worry because he is 15 years old and has some health problems. Veterinarians and clinics aren’t as modern in Brazil as they are in the U S. The test consists of injecting a substance and one hour later doing a blood test to see the results of the drug used. The drug is supposed to be safe and is always used for this. I truly believe it’s important to have the test done on a good Moon day. Do you think you can help me figure out when that will be? Tobi is a Gemini. I have no idea what time he was born. His birth date is June 14, 1997. I was born on May. AC
Conscious decisions about whether to test and treat illness, when to do so and how to approach each concern are possible and wise. Before we look at days to choose for testing, let’s begin with a look at each chart which is where I would always start my analysis. First, your chart as the dog’s owner since you are the decision maker – the 6th house is the arena of companion animals where for you the Moon is the ruler, your progressed Sun, Mercury and Venus are all moving through your 6th house, and your progressed Moon is squaring your natal Moon. Since transiting Saturn has already completed its square to your natal Moon, there is still a good likelihood that this test could help Tobi. There are no further major transits to your natal Moon soon indicating Tobi’s destiny to live for a while longer. Your progressed Sun moving through the 6th house is sextile your natal Mars/Pluto in the 8th house of death and healing which is a positive sign for healing while its 2 year approach to trine Saturn suggests that Tobi’s treatment now could lead to 2 more years of life for him. Both your progressed Venus and Mercury in the 6th are making mainly positive aspects to your natal planets though your progressed Venus is squaring your natal Mercury which is a good reason to consider carefully how and when you treat Tobi. Your progressed Moon will complete its square to your natal Moon by month’s end not making any conflicting aspects for 10 months. Your solar arc progressed Moon also suggests several more years for Tobi’s life span. Secondly, Tobi is a Gemini with a Libra Moon who is strong willed (Mercury opposite Pluto), a fighter (Sun square Mars), and positive (Sun trine Jupiter). He is a good candidate for both the tests and treatment. Without his birth time we are not sure of the degree of his Moon but Pluto and Uranus are likely either transiting it now or will in the next few years which suggests these health problems are serious enough to require treatment. Thirdly, when to test – do wait until Mercury is direct on August 8th, do not test within a few days of the Full Moon which is August 31, and do look for a day when the general aspects are positive in the sky as well as positive in Tobi’s solar chart. Often, within a few weeks it can be difficult to find a perfect day but there will be some quite good ones. Between now and mid September I would choose August 14 when the Sun is sextile Mars/Saturn, the Moon is conjunct Venus and Mercury is sextile Jupiter, trine Uranus. Yes, there are some Pluto aspects, too, but transiting Mars/Saturn are trine Tobi’s Sun, transiting Jupiter is conjunct his Mercury, Venus is near his Venus return, and transiting Mars/Saturn are conjunct his Chiron. A second choice would be August 22nd. Or, we would be looking at a September date. Good luck with your beloved companion.
Based on my birth chart what are the skills and talents I possess and what profession would be best to bring me meaning, joy and financial freedom. Also, intimate and familial relationships have proven to be extremely challenging for me. Is there any advice or suggestions you can give me regarding this? I hope I am one of the lucky people who get their question answered. My birthday is January 10, 1971. Thank you. AA
It is always rewarding to look at a person’s skills and talents in their birth chart. We immediately know that you are an ambitious woman for whom success, accomplishment and financial achievement are both possible and part of your life mission because you are a Capricorn Sun with your Sun trine Saturn, sextile Mars/Jupiter and trine Pluto. With a grand trine in earth signs (Sun, Saturn and Pluto) you are very capable of substantial success in your career and finances. Aries is the sign on your Midheaven, which is the career angle, with its ruler Mars in the 5th house conjunct Jupiter opposite Saturn. Due to the Saturn opposition it is likely that as you enter your 40’s, only now are you going to see the fulfillment of your talents. In addition, transiting Uranus is nearing a conjunction to your Midheaven in 2013 which is a time to find your dream job, start your own business, or hit the breakthrough you have been hoping for in your career. Also transiting Jupiter will conjunct your Ascendant in 2013 contributing to the success that is soon possible for you. Your strongly emphasized 5th house, containing Mars/Jupiter/Neptune and Venus, clearly highlights your natural creativity in whatever you do, your Uranus conjunct the IC opposite your MC supports your ability to work with and succeed on the internet, in utilizing the new technology, in your own business or working with a start up or cutting edge company. Notice that Gemini rising, Mercury in Sagittarius, and Pluto in Gemini’s 3rd house of communication highlight your brilliant mind, visionary ideas and outstanding communication skills. Writers frequently have a prominent Moon (yours is in Cancer conjunct your Ascendant) as well as a strong Mercury and creative skills which are all evident in your chart. Meaning in your work is very important to you with Mercury as your chart ruler in Sagittarius squaring a 3rd house Pluto, being true to your deeply held beliefs. Financial freedom is achievable when you follow your own ideas and guidance, the path clearly shown by the Moon ruling the 2nd house of earnings opposite your chart ruler Mercury in truth seeking Sagittarius. Intimate and familial relationships are challenging in your chart. The Moon which describes our family is squaring Pluto, quincunx Venus/Neptune, opposite Mercury and square Uranus, all tough aspects. The 5th house of romance is ruled by demanding Pluto while the 7th house of marriage is ruled by Jupiter in Scorpio, Pluto’s sign, conjunct Mars and opposite Saturn. Not easy, however, it is best to establish your own life, individual values and beliefs, seek your own success and from that strength, be with your family in only the ways that work and not the ones that don’t. Once your boundaries are clear with your family, your own success is your foundation then you will find the joy in relationship clearly possible with your Sun and Mercury in the 7th house of marriage.