I love reading your articles each month. What I love most of all is that you can give people hope. I’m hoping you can give me a little. My birthday is October 13, 1964. I don’t think things have come easy for me but, overall, I’ve been able to make it thru life so far thinking things will be OK. Through different situations I feel like my family’s financial situation has been annihilated. Over the last 5 years we have gone from being fairly comfortable to struggling to pay bills and even buying food. It feels out of control and I feel like I can’t fix anything. I don’t worry about myself so much, but I’ve still got three kids at home and I don’t want them to have to go through something like this. I don’t think I’ve ever had such a sinking feeling in my life that things are not going to get better and that my family is going to lose everything. Thank you for taking the time to read this email. Just writing it makes me feel a little better to get it off my chest. (RE)
Hope, validation, and honest insights into why we and circumstances are unfolding the way they are and how we can make the best possible decisions to improve ourselves and to resolve our circumstances; these are some of Astrology’s greatest gifts. I do try to provide both a true appraisal of the chart and life situations as well as the positive and challenging realities of how to proceed most successfully at this time. First, why have the last 5 years been so tough for you financially? Yes, it is true that the country has been in a financial recession/depression during that precise time but what does your chart reveal regarding your personal experience in this financially difficult time. Transiting Saturn has been transiting your 8th house of spousal income, joint assets, savings, debt and financial foundation for the last four years which likely has depleted your savings and assets, required running up some debt and may have limited or diminished your husband’s income. In addition to Saturn’s transit to your 8th house, your progressed Moon has also been moving through your 8th house for nearly three years. Saturn is difficult, limiting, and hard to resolve quickly or easily while the Moon is emotionally and personally painful and concerning. Fortunately, your progressed Moon will be moving out of your 8th house into the much more hopeful 9th house of purpose, meaning and new opportunities by the end of this summer and, even more helpfully, transiting Saturn will move out of your 8th house in November. Neither of these indicators will return to your 8th house for nearly 30 years. It is true that transiting Saturn will begin to square your natal Mars, ruler of your 2nd house of income, from December 2013 through August 2014 which will make your own income contribution slow to improve for those months though necessary and dependable. In 2014 your progressed Mars will conjunct Uranus in your 7th house, either leading to financial opportunities you and your husband may create together or you and a possible business partner can change your finances quite positively. Even more hopefully, your progressed Sun will enter your 10th house of career for the first time in your life in 2014 for a long stay. I think you have or will have a real opportunity to develop your own successful career over the next several years. As Jupiter now moves into your 5th house of creativity, take your ideas seriously seeing what you may be able offer in your current job or a new position/possible side business. Transiting Uranus is beginning an 8 year stay in your 2nd house of earnings again supporting your ideas, innovations, potential business and financial success. Of course, with your North Node of the Moon in your 4th house of family and your natal Saturn conjunct your Ascendant, you are a caring and responsible parent who is understandably concerned about your family, children and security though I do see new opportunities and income ahead for you and yours. I genuinely don’t see any reasons in your chart for you and your family to lose everything despite this very hard time. Hoping this information does help and guide you.
I am wondering about my job and finances. I’m a full time Mom and my husband wants to get a house but money’s tight. Should I be looking for a job? My birthday is June 13, 1978. Thank you. (KM)
Money is definitely tight for you and will continue to be as transiting Saturn entered your 2nd house of income and expenditures last year where it will remain until November 2014. I would suggest that you do look for a job both to increase your family’s income which is needed now and because you will be successful finding a good job now that transiting Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, has moved into your 10th house of career.
The house question is a bit more complicated with transiting Pluto in your 4th house of home, which includes house purchases, joined by your progressed Moon also in your 4th house. Emotionally, I feel sure your Moon progression indicates that you would love buy a home in the coming two years, but Pluto is a warning to be most careful regarding the current realities and longer term consequences of that decision. I would advise you to delay buying a house this year or next year while both transiting Uranus and Pluto are in challenging aspect to your natal Jupiter which rules your 4th house. It would likely place too much stress on your family even leading to a possible loss of the home.
Your own indicators for a successful, enjoyable job which will lead to a valuable career for now and the future – not only transiting Jupiter now in your 10th house of career but, in addition, your progressed Sun is coming into a conjunction with your natal 10th house Venus in 2014 and your solar arc progressed Mercury is moving into conjunction with your natal 10th house Venus in 2015. This is a very exciting convergence of career opportunity, financial income and long term value in both in career and money. What may be tricky is your husband’s sincere wish to purchase a home visible in your Jupiter return as Jupiter rules both your 7th house of marriage partner and your 4th house of home. Ideally, I think you going to work, building more financial security for your family with your husband then purchasing a home in a few years will be a wiser and more secure plan. Good luck finding your new career.