Hi, my birthday is April 28, 1949. Will my finances improve anytime soon? (SW)
A question for our troubled financial times. It is no surprise to hear that your finances/income have been a concern for a while. For the last 1 and 1/2 years transiting Saturn has been moving through your second house of income and financial values which is always a difficult, challenging time. Usually this is a time when Saturn limits either the amount of income you have available or the number of bills and expenses you have to cover with your income; in either case, you simply have less income than you need or want. It is easy to look at this time as a problem since it is hard but it is important to look more deeply into your beliefs about money, your ability to earn money, your experience with earning an income that is commensurate with your worth or your desire to finance your life well. I would also suggest looking into how and where you spend your income as this is ideally a time to learn, reflect, and restructure your inner worth and belief in what and how you can manifest what you need.
Of course, you will want to know when this challenging period ends, which is November 2014. It is also important to look at the ruler of your second house of income, Venus at 11 degrees of Taurus, which is also receiving a transit from Saturn. Ouch, but the transit of Saturn opposing your natal Venus will be completed in mid October, providing the beginning of some relief. Your progressed Venus has just moved into Leo promising new opportunities for financial success which will become even more positive when your progressed Venus opposes your natal Jupiter in 2014. Have you had any ideas for a home business (your natal Jupiter in your 4th house of home) or a partnership with a spouse or friend (Jupiter co-rules your 7th house of partnership)? This may be an excellent use of your second house Saturn transit in combination with your Venus progression.
Another factor describing your current concerns is your solar arc progressed Venus completing a square to your natal Neptune which is often a distressing financial set of issues. This progression will be complete in approximately 3 months. Do note that your progressed Moon is in your 12th house for another 7 months which is a time when it is crucial to take time to reflect, meditate, and choose a technique you are drawn to for the inner work which will reveal your next steps in life and your own development leading to your ability to take advantage of the more positive aspects for financial improvement beginning this fall and continuing to improve in 2014. Good luck!
I am a lifelong student of Astrology but my chart is so difficult, I need your help to understand what is going on. I’ve had a great deal of turmoil in my life – with an M Sc degree and a good job I had to leave my country due to war and immigrate in order to save my son. I am a single mother. I didn’t have any luck getting a good job, had lots of problems with my son, found no real friends, all of which affected my health adversely. Now I live on a miserable income feeling lucky I have any income at all. My son has returned but is mostly a strain rather than a help. Essentially I’ve been serving him. I guess you already understand my huge insecurities and blocks. I was born in January 23, 1952. Transiting Uranus is moving over my MC which scares me. Also, Pluto squares my MC from the 6th house and Neptune is in the 8th. My marriage was short and painful. I have had no relationship ever since resulting in my no longer trying for the last 18 years. I would be most grateful to hear your point of view and if there is anything for me to look forward to before I die. What I miss the most and crave is friendship. (AB)
Yes, I do think there are many opportunities and changes to look forward to in your life. Despite the truly painful Saturn life you have led, which is described by your natal Saturn conjunct Neptune square Uranus and conjunct your IC opposite your MC, remember that your natal Jupiter is conjunct your MC, career angle. Though Jupiter’s ease, opportunities, and luck seem to be very slow in manifesting for you due to your powerful natal Saturn, Saturn does delay but it does not deny for an entire life unless we give up and become embittered shutting out life. Fortunately, you are seeking hope by acknowledging your feelings and asking your question, an ideal use of your natal Moon/Venus conjunction in Sagittarius.
I would suggest that you see transiting Uranus currently conjunct your natal Jupiter and MC as it squares your natal Uranus breaking up old patterns. Uranus will also move to oppose your natal Saturn in 2014 as transiting Pluto also begins to breakdown/transform your past history. While I realize, as I am sure you do, that this will not be easy, it will be truly transformative.
I want to emphasize with your natal Sun in your 7th house of marriage, another marriage could and should be in your future. Jupiter which rules your 9th house of 2nd marriages will conjunct your natal Jupiter in 4 years offering you a new partner who will be a Jupiter partner not a Saturn partner as your first husband was. Aquarians do seek a friend as well as lover in their partner which I believe you will find in your 2nd marriage. Venus which rules your 11th house of friends suggests there will be new friends/blessings in your future, likely this year as your progressed Venus trines your natal Uranus.
Interestingly, your progressed Sun will conjunct your MC in the next 5-6 years which is a wonderful possibility for a significantly successful career coup. This year your progressed Mars is moving into retrograde motion while your progressed Mercury will also move into retrograde motion in 2014 opening new doors in your life for your career, consciousness, ideas and love life. Born with a Sun/Mars square and a Mercury/Saturn square, these progressions to retrograde motion are meant to ease the difficulties of your life as you relax, rethink, re-imagine and learn new tools to achieve and manifest what you seek in your life. I would take this coming year with transiting Jupiter now in your 12th to look for a meditation or prayer group, a spiritual discussion group or even a local NCGR Astrology group to deepen your own awareness which will prepare you for the opportunities awaiting you in 2014 when transiting Jupiter begins a new, better chapter in your life. Don’t give up.