It’s another new moon: when wishes can be super-charged with sparkling fresh energy. Yet if you don’t have a strong relationship with the archetypes, don’t expect buckets of fairy dust. New Moons are potent times to forge alliances with the gods. But you must be willing to meet the invisible world. Bow and open yourself to their touch. Make an offering. Humans have been rendezvousing with these archetypes for thousands of years. When you call out to the gods, they do respond!
Calling Libra
“Humans always sing about what they most need,” said Libra one sunny afternoon. “The Hopi sing for rain. The Inuit sing for a successful hunt. And judging by your culture’s most popular songs, what you most need—or lack—is love.” I asked if she agreed and she replied in typical Libra fashion: “Yes and no,” she said.
People expect Libra to be all lace and romance; after all, she’s the sign of beauty and relationships. But to understand her properly, you should know about her goddess mother—Dike—who was in charge of the Dice of Fate and the Scales of Justice. It was her job to keep the constantly changing world in balance. She lived on Earth throughout the Golden and Silver Ages, before mankind knew how to sail, drive, or fly. Back then forests and grasslands grew the cures for all disease. But as humans multiplied, so did their quarreling and greed. Life tipped out of balance. Peace gave way to war. Lovers hurt each other. Fathers turned against their sons.
Dike begged people to settle their differences with understanding. “Talk it out. Be fair. Realize how alike you are…” Few listened. And so it’s said that Libra’s mother just gave up. She abandoned the Scales and ran away. “Too soft, too sensitive, a people-pleaser,” some said. “She’s fickle and indifferent,” others accused.
Yet to look at Libra now—with her clear eyes and startling beauty—it’s obvious she comes from sturdier stock. Libra can take a mottled crowd and waltz them into harmony, a fete that only someone unafraid of Chaos could actually do. Libra is sensitive but not delicate. She chose the balance beam as her symbol, not an unprotected heart. As an emissary of justice, Libra weighs what appears and works with it—skillfully. If she brings Sorrow and Anger to the party, by midnight she’ll have them dancing with Hope and Joy. Charm and Grace are her best friends, but don’t mistake her easy chatter. Her words may seem sweet and superficial; but meanwhile, she’s learning everything about you.
Once I was bold enough to ask, “What really happened to your mother? Is she a quitter?” “Oh no,” Libra replied. “When people stopped listening to her words, she demonstrated her message: she dissolved into the center of the scales! It was a profound meditation for those who could see it… and very brave.”
It does take courage to dissolve one’s position and enter the center, where all points of view converge. But that was Dike’s message. And it’s the surest way to call in Libra at this New Moon. Life is forever veering out of balance. So put yourself on tactical alert. Take note whenever you find yourself at war—with your loved ones, your body, the traffic, your kitchen toaster, the politicians, or the world. Slow down. Find the still point in the center of your heart. Relax. Don’t defend yourself; imagine how you look from your opponent’s eyes. Can you give the very thing that you want to receive? Do this often and you’ll no longer be starving—or singing—for love, like a desperate farmer chanting for rain. You will be Love itself.
Libra’s Response
Discovering how the archetype responds is always the fun part. No way can I predict it for you. Libra is infinitely creative. With great elegance, she’ll draw the precise experience you need to find your balance—again and again. Often she uses other people—the very ones who push your buttons and shatter your inner equilibrium. Is there anyone better with whom to practice the art of peace? Notice all the strong and subtle ways you’re called to stop and shift direction this cycle. If your life has been filled with work and disappointment, you may feel the urge to eat gourmet cupcakes and put fresh flowers in the kitchen or a lavender diffuser by your bed. You may want to lock the door, draw the curtains, and play music that pierces your heart, so that you dance around the dining room table until you finally know that the world—and you—are beautiful, inside and out.
If you’d like to explore the archetypes in even greater depth, if you like to journal and/or muse on the positions of the Sun and Moon, you may enjoy my enrolling in my monthly Moon workshop (by snail-mail or email). It’s designed to deepen your relationship with the guardians of natural time, the Sun, the Moon, and the zodiac.
© 2012 Dana Gerhardt
All rights reserved
Painting by Johanna Uribes. See more of Johanna’s work at her website.
Georgianna says
I’m very grateful to you, Dana, as always. This is also a good time to recommend to your readers Your Venus Unleashed report. It’s a great help. Thanks.
Dana Gerhardt says
Thanks Georgianna! I’m so glad you enjoy the Venus report… it’s my favorite too!
Erik Kaarla says
Hi Dana! I love all your Hercules Labor pieces on Astrodienst and as a Libra Sun, Moon, and Mercury middle-aged man, I am always searching for ways to understand the constant weighing and balancing better in my life. I seem to have to balance my children, my wife, work, playing bass or guitar, or writing and chores tens of times every hour; no wonder I am in therapy! Really, your revelatory and insightful writing on astrology is the bomb. Keep up the good work! EK
Dana Gerhardt says
Thanks Erik! It sounds like you learned well from Saturn’s recent transit through your sign. A lot of Librans are rejoicing these days now that Saturn has moved into Scorpio!
Pollyanna Costa says
Wonderful as always Dana! Thank you!
fran says
I am looking forward to some illumination natal neptune is 22libra 09
and tightly conjunct my saturn, sextile my mars and pluto,,trine my jupiter and square my uranus. I have always felt saturn overpowered neptune in my chart. Any ideas what o expect ?
Dana Gerhardt says
What to expect? Well, there are infinite possibilities, depending on the current context of your life, and your relationship with Neptune. If, as you say, Saturn overpowers Neptune in your chart, this is the cycle for YOU to start shifting that balance. Put Neptune on your altar. Please him by honoring Neptune things. That’s the way to get goodies from Neptune.
Kallan says
Wow, Dana. This is beautiful and timely in my own personal experience. Thank you so much!
Connie Stanford says
Hi Dana! I’m relatively new to astrology, and to the moon in particular. But, I am not new to them! This new moon is coming 2 degrees beyond my North Node in Libra, and i wonder how best to play with these times. The clearing of my house, and leaving of the north east… And beginning the next part of this adventure… Also is happening as the moon empties, and my beginning, and literal drive away… will coincide beautifully (Tuesday am) I really enjoyed the story with the lesson of the Libra scales… It brought home the role of active participation in the events of our lives. And specifically, this Libra cycle. Sharing the link…. And grateful to you for your creativity and obvious joy in the original share. Waving 🙂
Dana Gerhardt says
What an auspicious time for a new beginning: blessings on your journey and new life!
Adam Wolter says
Thank you, Dana! Your narrative really hit home for me. I was born with the Moon in Libra (~17, conjunct Pluto-whee!) and your conversation with Libra and her mother is empowering recent consciousness updates that are healing my experiences of indecision and overwhelm.
(Feels like some big deep shiftings and updatings that this moonth is catalyzing: Saturn in Scorpio!… excited to read your ponderings…)
Thanks again- Adam
Dana Gerhardt says
Best wishes on the deep shifts! (My son has Moon in Libra, conjunct Jupiter, thank goodness!) I don’t use the modern rulerships much anymore, but if we do use modern rulerships, that puts Saturn and Pluto in mutual reception, furthering the capacity for deep diving and constructive building.
Gloria Stafford says
Thanks so much for this great article. As always you have such a fabulous way of using “story” to prompt the kind of inquiry that leads to insight. I’m especially looking forward to this New Moon which along with Saturn falls in my 5th House, exactly trining my 12th House Sun. Altho the 5th seems an odd place to find clues to aligning & healing my spine, Saturn & Libra fit the bill perfectly. You’ve inspired me to take a more balance, dilligent & creative approach.
Dana Gerhardt says
Thanks Gloria! What a great spirit with which to start the new cycle. Good insights about the connection between Saturn/Libra and the spine, and yes, the 5th house have fun with it!
MoRich says
Beautiful resonant words. Thank you. You are Love.
Maria Paz says
great article Dana! This new moon falls on my 12th house. Any additional advice? have a great new moon yourself! tks a lot, Maria 🙂
Dana Gerhardt says
Thanks Maria! With a 12th house New Moon, pay attention to the messages in your dreams. Also, listen closely to your body and rest when you need to. If you feel like falling apart a little during this cycle, that could be a good thing. Sometimes in the 12th we break down in order to break through. The first house New Moon next cycle should be more active, so you can benefit from rest and reflection now.
Maria Paz says
Sounds pretty accurate! just divorced… letting go mood. I feel tired and sleepy most of the time. it’s inspiring to read you! “Sometimes in the 12th we break down in order to break through.” THANKS! maria.