The Capricorn New Moon can often inspire a mix of hope, overwhelm, and inspiration all at once. The remedy for overwhelm lies with this New Moon’s element: earth. With earth sign Taurus we might think of gardens, but for Capricorn earth, we think of mountains. Capricorn gives us strong structures. It is resilient. Its energy helps us to be hardworking, practical, realistic, and organized. Capricorn can steady us and keep us going on whatever mountain we’re currently climbing.
The region of the body associated with Capricorn is the bones! The knees, in particular. Throughout this cycle you might want to open your internal sensing of bones and joints, your structure. I love Child’s Pose for Capricorn. Though paradoxically, this pose is about sinking into our vulnerability as the child, it also quietly invites us to ground down and find our earth strength. And it brings our knees into awareness.
Child Pose and Side-Lying Rest
Come onto your hands and knees for some gentle rocking and swaying. Then settle your pelvis toward your heels to rest your torso and head closer to the ground. You might put blankets or cushions between your hips and heels, or you might put props under your chest, head, or arms for more support.
For this particular New Moon, I’m also suggesting taking some time to rest on your side. If you live in a cold climate like I do, then you might especially enjoy some cozy attire, perhaps near a fire. Your only aim in side-lying rest is to allow your nervous system to slow down, and welcome yourself home to earth and breath.
A nice flow would be to start on your right side for rest, then roll up onto hands and knees for Child’s Pose, then roll over onto your left side for side-lying rest. Aim for taking 5-15 minutes in these shapes. After this, you might enjoy a silent sit. Or take out your journal and see what your thoughts are saying.
Sending deep mountain love to you all!
Thank you for honoring rest. This resonates with me after a holiday season with family. Life is intense at times, and rest is such an important element.