I blew my first Saturn return. It was only years later, through astrology’s exquisite backward lens that I understood the full measure of my bad choices. During the time I should have been striding into early adulthood with hard work and gumption, I regressed into a floundering child. Saturn squares my natal Moon. Planets in square are archetypes in tension—the power can … [Read more...]
Meditation to connect with your spirit guide
From October 31 through November 7 (when the Sun reaches the middle degree of Scorpio), Northern Hemisphere cultures have variously marked this midpoint between fall and winter. Christians call it All Soul's Day; for children, it’s Halloween; for pagans, it’s Samhain (pronounced “sow-wane”). With Pluto--the planet of death and rebirth--as its modern ruler, Scorpio guides our … [Read more...]
Dana’s Simple Samhain Ritual
The veil between the worlds is at its thinnest during Samhain (October 31 to November 7), and it's an appropriate time to contact ancestors, release what's unnecessary, and prepare for the birth at Yule. Samhain is a "Sabbat," one of the special days of power on the wheel of the year. Perform the ritual on October 31 (traditional Samhain) or November 8 (the astrological … [Read more...]
Your Gemini Ink Blot Test
When you connect the dots, it's easy to see the fraternal spirit of Gemini in its stars. Here are the twins, Castor and Pollux, holding hands, and engaged in lively conversation for all eternity. Yet this month you can't lie back and watch this pair stroll across the night sky. The Sun is in Gemini. That means this constellation is currently veiled by our closest star's bright … [Read more...]
Kindling Beltane Fire
Note from Dana: I'm happy to have as my guest blogger, the talented poet and shaman, Jane Galer. Her intimacy with the natural world makes her the perfect spokeswoman for this cross-quarter holiday. If you’re paying attention at all you by now will have noticed that about every six – eight weeks, roughly dividing the year into eighths, we are asked to clean house, mentally … [Read more...]