Cancer is the Moon’s favorite sign. The Cancer region of the body revolves around our center: our chest, our breasts, and held feelings in our belly. Cancerian energy is known to be empathic, sensitive, nurturing, and also to hold on to memories and sensations. With the Full Moon in Cancer always falling somewhat close to holiday celebrations, family gatherings, and the … [Read more...]
Gemini Full Moon Asana
Side Plank Gemini is the air sign ruling the flight of the mind. Its rhythm is typically “busy.” I think about having wings when the Moon is in Gemini, especially the Full Moon. Gemini governs the shoulders, arms, hands and (our human wings), the lungs. The Gemini Full Moon comes at a time when we could all use a bit more reflection. This is the pull of the Sun, opposing … [Read more...]
Menopause and the Moon
“When I went through menopause, following the Moon saved me. I was unmoored without my cycle.” I’ve heard statements like this from many clients and students over the years. It makes sense. Aligning with the lunation cycle helps keep crones juicy and in rhythm. All earth beings are designed to live in monthly rhythm, but women’s bodies are more uniquely attuned to this … [Read more...]
The perfect asana for the Taurus full moon.
This Full Moon blends two different voices. Sun-in-Scorpio is watery. It represents the inner voice, honoring intuition, depth of feeling, mystery, sensuality, autumnal release and grief. The Moon-in-Taurus is earthy. Ruling the neck, throat, and song itself, Taurus guides the outer voice. It resonates with beauty, grounded strength, and the pleasures of felt … [Read more...]
Aries Full Moon Asana
Goddess Pose With Sun and Moon opposed in Libra/Aries, it's high time to find your balance! Libra encourages new journeys toward balance every year so that over a lifetime, if we're paying attention, we become experts. We know how to harmonize our body, mind, and feelings with with the ebbs and flows that life brings our way. It's time to welcome intentional loving moments … [Read more...]