According to astrology tradition, you were born under a special star of destiny. It will take 26,000 years for your birthday's unique pattern of stars to repeat itself in the heavens. The secret fate encoded in your chart is a sign that, as the Jungian thinker James Hillman said, "We are each born called." Imprinted on your soul the split second it assumed a human body is the … [Read more...]
Life’s Editing Ritual: Green Fire
This is my favorite autumn ritual. I usually perform it during a waning Moon, when the Sun or Moon is in Scorpio. But frankly, it's good anytime autumn's falling leaves inspire you to ritually let go of something that you know is no longer good for you. The Green Fire ritual is a powerful way to clear psychic congestion. It signals your subconscious that you’re ready, … [Read more...]
Beyonce’s Lemonade and Inanna’s Journey
Last night I was working on creating and destroying energy in my feminine meditation class. Beyonce's Lemonade kept entering my mind. Specifically this image: … [Read more...]