I’m familiar with the feng shui principles of clearing clutter and beautifying my home to improve my good fortune. So it was a “duh!” moment when I realized that for months it’s seemed like my money has been rolling out the door–and sure enough, in the wealth quadrant of my house, the patio door no longer automatically swings shut. Not only is it letting in flies, it’s presumably letting out all my wealth! In the relationship quadrant, a fence board has lost its mooring and left a small gap. At the same time, I’ve been complaining about the gaps in my relationship with Robert, feeling that we’re as disconnected as my fence. It’s not that the patio door or fence are causing my troubles. Rather, everything is connected, so fixing one can help shift the energy of the other. Getting the fence re-nailed, for example, might be easier and more beneficial to my love life than one more “relationship” conversation!
I am grateful to MoonCircles ally Simone Butler for her timely (very Cancer New Moon-ey) suggestion to combine feng shui principles with new moons. Simone conducted a one-year research study with 30 people who agreed to perform the appropriate feng shui aspirations and rituals at each new moon–connecting the house activated by the new moon in their chart with the corresponding sector of their home. Eclipses, Simone discovered, brought the most potent effects. So I encourage you during this month’s solar eclipse to try a little feng shui magic–especially since Cancer rules “home.”
First: find the house in your chart where 29 degrees of Cancer falls. You need to know the basic meanings of the houses in order to discern which area of your life this house rules. Next, identify the corresponding room or rooms in your home, using the feng shui bagua (click to see). Superimpose it over a real or imagined map of your home, by lining up sectors 8, 1, and 6 with the wall containing your home’s front door. Once you’ve identified the appropriate room, assess the quality of the energy there. Clean and reorganize whatever feels most congested. What are your aspirations for this part of your life? Add some new beauty to this room as you meditate on your aspirations. If you’re confused about which house in your chart or room in your home is relevant this month, you can order Simone’s lovely feng shui report or check out her article in the latest issue of The Mountain Astrologer. As for me, the eclipse activates the 11th house of my chart, which corresponds to the “helpful people” sector in my home. That’s my office, which I’ll be diligently cleaning so it sings with new energy when the new moon arrives!
marie-francoise says
Hi Dana!
Thanks for your post on this — i went out and bought TMA a couple of days ago. A big deal for me as it’s out of my budget right now for magazine purchases. Simone’s article was indeed inspiring and interesting as I have my north node in 11″56 Cancer in my 2nd house (however, the eclipse fell in my 3rd house).
My question is this: what do you do when (i think) the area of the house corresponding to the new moon is the kitchen counter? that area will NEVER stay clean and/or empty…even if i allocate another place to put the recycling bottles, sponges, etc. The cabinets in that corner are fairly organized.
Also, another area being affected is behind my front door (the front door to our apartment is the far right corner). Is it proper Feng Shui to put items behind the door, books, etc? Its the ‘knowledge/wisdom’ area, right? there is a bookshelf there now. i have to say i’m not so keen to put my vision map in the living room for all to see!
One last thing: what do you do when you live with other people? i don’t want to become the keeper of all things in the house-for example, its too exhausting trying to be on top of my son to keep his room clean. Plus, with being an artist, mom and having a job i just don’t have the time or inclination. But i DO want things to flow better in all our lives. i think it was mentioned to do a composite chart but i would like to keep things as simple as possible initially and see what happens.
One day soon, i’ll be able to get Simone’s personalized feng shui report, but until then i’m happy to hear from anyone with suggestions.
Thanks again for a wonderful blog.
Dana says
Good questions MF! Again, I make no claims to being an expert on this… knowing the answers is what the experts get paid for! But we do have wonderful options today with the internet, so you might google some of the questions and see if you get some answers. I’ve always resolved my dilemmas by doing something that makes me feel better when I walk by whatever area is cluttered. There always seems to be a little something I can do, and that improvement gives me new energy when I walk by. And that, I figure, is good feng shui! As for sharing the space with other people, I hear you! I’ve been very lucky that my son generally keeps his room clean. But I did this past cycle work with him to clear out some of the clutter, since his closet was in the helpful people section of the home.
Diane says
Hi Dana,
Is there astrological significance to the hole in Jupiter’s
atmosphere that happened a couple of days ago? It’s
reported to be as big as earth. It puts Jupiter’s size in
perspective since the hole appears pretty small.
Dana says
I think so… see latest post above!
Bernadette says
Hi Dana, After reading all the info from you and others on the upcoming new moon/solar eclipse, I had a intuition that this might be a big one for me so went off to look at my chart…my midheaven is 28″ Cancer in the 9th(5th Aug 1949 12:15pm Manchester, UK)and without really realizing it, your newsletter must have been inspiring because I’ve been throwing out old papers, organising cables in the office (can’t stand alll this straggly hi-tech wiring – we need a better i invention here than those tubes!!) and moving furniture around as I delve more profoundly into my Vaastu, feng shui, and astrology books…any comment would be helpful..sent this newsletter on to friends and family so spreading the good works and isn’t it funny (not) that Susan above is studying astro with feng shui, must be in the air!! Ordered a subscription to TMA today as have been putitng that off for awhile (with Pluto & Saturn on me you can imagine). Thank you for all your work and the site and the reports..always lovely and inspiring. B
constance Demby says
“First: find the house in your chart where 29 degrees of Cancer falls.
that would be my first house, which is empty of planets and aspects.
You need to know the basic meanings of the houses in order to discern which area of your life this house rules. Next, identify the corresponding room or rooms in your home, using the feng shui bagua (click to see). Superimpose it over a real or imagined map of your home, by lining up sectors 8, 1, and 6 with the wall containing your home’s front door.
well, I think that would be 6 – or helpful friends, Travel Guides. altho the front door of my apt opens into my electronic recording studio, which includes a kind of mini living room/ dining room, etc, so actually the front door opens into my Career LIfe Path which is Bagua #1. But then I dont understand really how this works, and it appears from the comments that I’m not the only one a little confused here! I dont have nine rooms, but the Bagua has nine sections. hmmm… so perhaps a little more detailed explanation on how the Bagua squares relate to our home/ apt / and to the areas of our life…
thanks so much, really a fascinating concept. And if one cannot get the exact precise meanings, one can still clean the house!
Susan says
Thanks Dana,
I forgot about the center of the bagua, so yes, 9 sections not 8 as I stated. I was thinking of the 8 sides :). Doing my clean up of my living space today…a motorhome as we are on the road. Then I have some feng shui routines for the new moon, and some astrology rituals. I have a lot of Cancer in my chart so this eclipse should give me a spark. Susie
Dana says
Susan: To quote Simone from her TMA article, “the 1st house of self-image and pioneering efforts links up with the Career/Life Path gua.”
Susan says
I am studying astrology and feng shui, and find it interesting to combine the two. The eclipse falls in my 1st house, but I don’t see which part of the bagua would correspond to the 1st house,(the self, our personality, appearance) And, that made me wonder how we fit the 12 houses of the astrology chart into the 8 sections of the bagua.
Best Fiction says
Dear Dana,
Thank you for blogging about this. I went out and got a copy of TMA the day after I read your post. I’ve always been interested in feng shui, and have been wanting to live a more “magical” lifestyle as of late, so I was excited to learn someone found a way to combine astrology, feng shui, and a little domestic magic. Plus, I moved into my new place two months ago with all these plans to decorate this and feng shui that, but never got around to it. So, thank you for introducing me to Simone’s work!
The Cancer new moon also falls in my eleventh house, so it looks like we both will be activating our “Helpful People” sectors. (I just noticed the solar eclipse occurs within a degree of my Leo Moon.) Good luck, and I hope everything goes well!
Best Fiction
Michelle Luongo says
Thanks Dana,
As a Feng Shui Practitioner I found your article very interesting. You did a wonderful job creating synergy with Astrology and the Principles of Feng Shui.
As a follower of Astrology, a New Moon is a great time for new beginnings plus the extra power of the eclipse, so incorporating some new and fresh energy in your home through Feng Shui is the perfect marriage.
I will share your blog with my clients and Feng Shui enthusiasts.
Dana says
Louise, I’m not a feng shui expert, but I do know that the bagua is flexible–you can apply it to the whole yard or just a room. In your case, I would start with the door that officially marks the entrance to your territory–the door into the living room. Feng shui has a whole list of “cures” for difficult structures, which would include a front door that opens into a stairway, but again, I’m not qualified to prescribe them. As an unofficial feng-shui-er, I’ve always worked on aesthetic principles: if you can do something that makes the area feel more beautiful and more energetic, you’ve gone a long way towards providing a cure. As for your basement, sheesh! Sounds like a little attention to that area is necessary, with or without feng shui. But as for the bagua, it can apply to all floors in the house, or you can try a separate bagua at the door of the basement if you want to pick just one area to work on.
Mary Beth, Again, I’m no expert! And I’m not sure I immediately visualize your situation. It may be that your front door entrance takes you into the Knowledge area? I use the wall where the front door appears to orient the bagua, so the door could be in any one of those three sectors: knowledge, career, or helpful people. Perhaps an expert can jump into the situation and clear it up for us. As with anything, particularly at new moons, intention is the most powerful force. So if your intention is in line with the astrological house activated by your new moon, and you bring that intention into your home, I suspect you will have activated the magic!
Mary Beth Powell says
Hi Dana,
I have followed your postings with great interest. I have a question. I have just moved into my family’s home and the way the front door is situated 2/3rds of the house is left out of the bagua pattern. There is a semi-circular drive leading up to the porch and the front door is on the left. The Bagua, if placed strictly on the front door, contains dining room, kitchen, my mom’s bedroom and part of the living room. My bedroom, my sister’s & hubby’s bedroom and office, family room, and my niece’s room are all left out. I’m wondering if it would be ok to turn the bagua to have the “front door” be the steps leading up to the porch. Then the entire house would be included, and my room would be the “helpful friends” sector, which is lit up by the upcoming New Moon and eclipse (11th house for me). Thanks so much for your advice! mb
Louise says
Thanks Dana
i want to use this new moon effectively! but having a bit of a hard time with the bagua..and my current home..a duplex we own..the front door to the building opens to closed space (which is very dark unless lights on..on the left our door which goes into our living room..straight ahead a stairway that leads up to our renter (his personnal entry also on left at top of stairs)our place is very small..3 and a half..which door do i use to super impose the bagua..?also i notice you speaking of the fence, hence the yard, does one incorporate the yard with the house..or yard on it’s own..
29 cancer is in my second house..therefore square 6..and what do the numbers in your bagua correspond to ? i have a cancer ascendant..so this ritual is important to me..and a south node in cancer..
hope you can shed some light , as i would really love to unclogg my energies..which are hard to live with these days..*i have a moon in pisces..singleton in top quadrant *near mc.. in my chart..i cannot afford a report from Simone…unfortunately…
be well and thanks
ps..and what about the basement..it’s a mess ..sump pump defective…lots of water..crazy wiring..mold…has no floor…it’s dirt..and only 5 feet..and the door to it, is outside in the back..no entrance thru the house,the structure dates back to 1875…although you can’t tell from outside.it was renovated..badly..another bagua for the basement…?