On September 22, it’s Equinox. When the Sun enters Libra, we reach one of the year’s two balance points, when the hours for day and night are equal. Soon this special balance will tip, with night lengthening in the Northern Hemisphere and contracting in the Southern.
Around the world and here in the US, it’s hard to think of balance in the wild times we’ve been living through. That’s what makes finding center all the more necessary now! At this moment, on this day, for these weeks, you are encouraged to notice: There is something rhythmically deep in your DNA that wants to bring you into balance too.
Attuning to nature is one way to keep your life in harmony. Libra is the peacemaker, the graceful aerialist, the mediator, the angel of “Let’s make this beautiful.” and “Let’s find our common ground.” Her action always brings new connections and peace. What a great way to enter the new season!
Astrology conveys the essence of each sign with its image. For Libra, that’s the scales. Of Chaldean origin, the scales are linked to matters of fate, guilt, and punishment. Indeed in ancient myths the scales are pictured at the critical juncture between life and death, just as the soul is about to pass into the next realm. In ancient Egypt, the soul was measured against the weight of a feather. In the Persian tradition, the angel Rashu weighed souls at the Bridge of Fate, while in the Christian faith St. Michael, Archangel of the Day of Judgment, is pictured with a set of scales. And in ancient Greece, the goddess Themis, the embodiment of law, was represented with scales.
Spiritually the scales represent the process of weighing and measuring our thoughts and actions against universal ideals of truth. As these ancient images teach us, we can’t move forward until we’ve examined our intentions and come to terms with our past. To accept the scales as your guide means to take responsibility for your experiences. Accept that your health and happiness are supported by your choices. And choose a lifestyle that includes equal portions of work and pleasure, exercise and rest, a balanced diet, intellectual stimulation, and positive social interactions.
Ritual for Equinox
My favorite way to celebrate Equinox is simply to watch the Sun, either rising or setting, or both if I have the leisure. If you’re more inclined to esoteric meditations, here’s a simple one that can hardly fail to work in some way. First, take yourself to a beautiful spot and imagine yourself seated in the cosmic Temple of Balance. This ability, by the way, is what has separated humans from every other species on earth: we can imagine things that don’t exist, things we’ve never seen. Take some time to decorate your temple. You’ll learn about yourself that way.
However your Temple is arrayed, notice now, in a place of honor, the image of the scales. The scales were an ancient conjuring of homo sapiens. signifying truth, balance, imbalance. Perhaps there was a past life of yours, when your fate was weighed against a scale. Perhaps enough gold or grain had to be paid to keep you alive. How your heart must have beaten to see the balance reached! If you have memories of an ancient Egyptian past life, you may find yourself transfixed. This is how your soul was measured.
Gently contemplate the stability or swing of your imagined scales. If associations arise, follow them loosely. Intuitions may surface. When you’re ready, however, refocus yourself into the meditation. Take your eyes to to the all-important fulcrum that holds and centers your scales. Feel its stability and calm. Imagine that your body is a similar focal point of stillness and strength. From this place, you’re going to summon the future.
Again, go gently. It starts as a thought. You’re going to invite a communication about the season ahead into your field. You’re summoning a wisp, a scent, a quality. Don’t try to direct how this information should reach you. Just notice. You’re asking for some sign of the future–an energetic message about the joys, choices, routines, struggles, surprises and victories that lie ahead. After a minute or two, you’ll notice a new sensation or quality in the atmosphere gathering around you.
Maybe you see actual pictures of events. Perhaps it’s just a mood. Maybe you sense colors or feel the vibration of sounds. However it wants to come, imagine the energy of the coming season is gathering around you. Remain at the center of your still point, letting this happen without trying to make it happen. Does your future feel exciting? Heavy? Chaotic? Is it peaceful? Dull? Satisfying? Colorful? Just notice without worrying about the meaning.
Still holding yourself at the fulcrum, as the energy swirls, now feel it gradually coming into balance, pouring into either end of your scale. Let the scales tip from side to side if they need to. But eventually, quite royally and successfully, notice how everything steadies. You’ve balanced and harmonized your future. You’ve brought everything into a graceful flow. Your efforts, your relaxation, your work, your rest, your love, your play–all of it now is measured and swinging harmoniously forward. Enjoy this feeling for as long as you want. Close your meditation by saluting the equal hours of night and day. Resolve to enter your future with the equanimity of the balanced scales.
Finish 2021 in fine archetypal style with the imagination and support of Dana’s monthly Moon workshop. Start your exploring with your free Moon phase report in Chart Play.
Bring the planet energies to life! Learn astrology with me–the right brained way, through pictures and stories. Check out Dana’s ebooks for colorful, soulful introductions to living gods.
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