Sagittarius, sign of the philosopher and truth-seeker, is known as the sign of the happy wanderer. No Sagittarius is as happy as when setting off down a highway to new adventure, either literally or figuratively. Some Sagittarians travel the world. Others rove the inner planes of the spiritual world. Still others restlessly seek out the mind-expanding vistas of various belief systems, becoming scholars, writers, teachers, ministers, or publishers.
At heart, individuals born with a prominent ninth house or planets in Sag are free souls. Like the Sufi dervishes of old who dressed in rags yet whose nobility of spirit caused them to radiate the power of kings, the freedom that comes with the realization of spiritual truth can make kings and queens of us all.
So at this Sagittarius New Moon, take a few minutes to bless this quality of freedom in your life. Look to the house in your natal chart ruled by Sagittarius and imagine the new adventure about to unfold in this arena. Even if you feel stuck and think you are “going nowhere” your soul has journeyed a long way to incarnate on this planet in space. Let go of whomever or whatever it is you are trying to control, and let God—and/or the Goddess—guide your way. Release yourself from that which restricts you from being free to live the life you’re meant to live.
Like the heavenly star the wise men followed to the Christ child, so, too, can the Star of Truth guide you on your own journey. As all true teachers teach, the truth we seek is hidden within our own hearts—the buried treasure found right in our own back yard. To connect to the Star of Truth within your own heart, begin by centering within a deep, quiet, true, place inside yourself.
Concentrate on going deeper, deeper, deeper, as if you are descending down stairs to the basement of your psyche. Suddenly, at the bottom of these stairs, a trap door opens upon a vast universe. There, against the backdrop of a midnight-blue sky, shines a brilliant star—it is a revelation, a five-pointed blaze of diamond. It is clear illumination. Allow yourself to bask in its light; feel the very cells of your physical body penetrated by its wisdom. Absorb its truth into the center of your being.
Then, begin the journey back up the stairs that lead from the depths of yourself to the upper world of your everyday life. For a few moments, sit quietly, concentrating on this Star of Truth as it continues to illuminate your heart center. Give thanks to your personal “north star”—the permanent pole of truth that guides you and that provides a source of limitless wisdom and knowledge.
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