Full Moons send us into the colliding energies of opposition. What better pose to balance and focus these forces than Warrior 2, through which we’ll integrate the opposing signs of Sun and Moon. We’ll connect with the Sun-in-Gemini through the expansion of our breath, opening into the lungs, ribs, shoulders, arms, and fingers. The Sagittarius Moon invites us to feel gratitude for our thighs. We’ll develop strength and intention in our lower back. We’ll anchor through the upper legs into our feet. We’ll cultivate fire, joy and strength of will.
Sagittarius loves wide open spaces. Gemini likes anything new. Take yourself to a spacious and supportive spot, ideally with a view of the Full Moon. Step your feet wide, one forward, one back. Place your hands on your hips. Balance your weight between both legs.
Turn your front foot slightly outward and gently bend the knee. Make sure that it moves forward over your toes. Bend your knee about 90 degrees. In this position, you should feel a sense of comfort and strength. No strain. Your back foot will angle slightly inward. Your back leg stays straight and strong, as the front knee bends. Feel the adventure-loving fire of Sagittarius in your thighs.
Make sure your back foot is in line with the front foot, so they’re on the same plane. This opens your pelvis (externally rotating the hips, instead of keeping the pelvis in neutral facing forward). Your belly and chest are also open, facing the same direction as your pelvis.
Now extend your arms, comfortably wide, in line with your legs. Stay connected to the lower half of your body. You’re in Warrior 2 pose! Relax your face. Sense your willpower and confidence building as the breath rises and falls in your body.
For some Sagittarius flair, you can become the Sagittarian Archer. Place your back hand on your back ribs or hip, while reaching your front arm up at an angle. Feel the bow. Take aim. Send an arrow of love to the Moon. Notice what comes back to you.
Enjoy the same adventure on the other side. When you feel complete, bow to the Moon.
Jenn Falk lives in the Boston area and has been teaching yoga since 2006. She guides her classes using a blend of yoga tradition, intuition, energy awareness, and the cycles of the Moon. She calls her style of yoga “Lunar Love Flow” which is also the title of her recently published book by the same name.