Side Plank
Gemini is the air sign ruling the flight of the mind. Its rhythm is typically “busy.” I think about having wings when the Moon is in Gemini, especially the Full Moon. Gemini governs the shoulders, arms, hands and (our human wings), the lungs. The Gemini Full Moon comes at a time when we could all use a bit more reflection. This is the pull of the Sun, opposing Gemini in philosophical Sagittarius. It’s time to find our wings and soar.
Let’s begin with an expansive breath that fills the lungs fully. Open your mouth to exhale with the intention of release. This filling up and letting go is part of the Moon’s medicine every cycle. Use your breath to slow your mind so you can drop more deeply inward.
Once there, come onto your hands and knees in a table shape. Move your spine and sway your hips. Use this warm up to check in with your body. Decide which variation will feel yummiest for you. Whichever one you choose, make sure to send your breath throughout the shape. Remain open-minded and positive!
Side Plank variation 1
Curl your toes, then press into your hands and feet, lifting up into downward dog. After finding your stability there, begin to transfer your weight to the left hand and the outer edge of your left foot, while also lifting your right arm into the air. Aim to find balance by spreading out your load in all directions. Honor your wings and your own breath. Return to your hands and knees for a reprieve. When ready, switch to the other side.
Side Plank variation 2
From down dog, transfer your weight onto your left hand and foot. Step your right food to the middle of your mat in front of you with your right knee facing up or to the right. Press down into your right foot to help spread out your base and bring more stability to the shape. Find your wings. Send your breath throughout. Repeat on other side.
Side Plank variation 3
From hands and knees, move your left foot+ankle out to the left while transferring your weight onto your left hand and left knee. Extend your right leg straight back behind you so it is in the same plane as your left hand and knee. Spread the load out between the left hand, knee, and right foot pressing into the floor. From there open your torso and right arm up and out. Take your time to feel this. And enjoy it! Then release, shake out wrists, and repeat on other side.
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