by Bekah Finch Turner
In the middle of Mercury’s retrograde, at the tail end of intense solar flares, this month’s Full Moon in Aquarius falls on the cross quarter holy day, Lammas, a perfect reminder of our universal relationships and responsibilities.
Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, symbolizes the first harvest. The summer crops have come to fruition and it is time to start reaping what we have sown. The first crop, traditionally, was wheat or grain, and most cultures were very glad when this day came, because last year’s stores were usually empty and needed to be refilled. Its counterpoint on the wheel of the year is Imbolc (February 2nd), when we began to sense the coming of Spring. Now we sense the coming of Fall, mixing gratitude with fear, as we celebrate the harvest and wonder what the colder months will bring.
Our ancestors often sacrificed a portion of their crops back to the earth. This was a gesture of gratitude to the benevolent forces that brought the harvest and a recognition that the good we enjoy does not come from ourselves alone. To me, it also symbolizes the idea that, if you want to truly absorb something, you have to be willing to give it away. Once you are full, you have to empty, so that you can fill again. Lammas is a powerful time to meditate on the pulsation of receiving and releasing.
Keep an open mind and an open heart at this Full Moon. As we move towards the darker side of the year, our commitment to both receiving and releasing is what will keep us willing, humble, present and kind to ourselves and others. Few of us farm anymore, but this moment of touching into the harvest celebration is important. Embrace your feelings, because they keep you human. Seek out a higher consciousness, because this connects you to all beings. And appreciate fully all the gifts in your life right now. It’s the best way to keep the benevolent forces on your side.
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