Blending Intuition with Astrology
My client had three Scorpio planets in her chart. I was discussing her intuition when she asked, “What is intuition?”—which is typical of the Scorpio nature—not to let big concepts breeze by without investigating them. This sign likes to get to the bottom of things. It was a good question. My answer was “anytime you know something you have no logical reason for knowing.” This happens more often than you may think.
Just observe how you make your decisions in a day—when to go to the store, what to eat, how to combine ingredients, what needs cleaning. Likely you’ll notice that you use this non-logical decision-maker naturally and frequently. That’s your intuition. It’s nothing fancy or reserved for a few special people. It’s just a natural part of the human equipment which operates more often below the neck, as a feeling or inkling, rather than above the neck, where the thinker resides.
Intuition lives in the body, where the Moon also lives. But when we add astrology to the mix—people sometimes disconnect from their intuition and go mechanical, particularly on the question of “Is this the right time for that?” Read the following Q&A’s on right timing and see whether, from below the neck, you “get it”—how intuition and astrology can most elegantly partner.
Hi Dana, My daughter wants to quit smoking! Would it be best to wait until the Full Moon or is it good to do it now? Sharon
Dear Sharon, Of course the best time is whenever she’s ready! Moon phases are indeed a wind that can puff the sail and speed the vessel, but it’s your daughter who must get the boat ready and into the harbor. If she quits on a Full Moon or any of the waning phases, the Moon’s support is more like “I’m done with this!” If she quits at the New Moon or any of the waxing phases, it’s more like “I’m starting my new life!” It’s just a shift in emphasis. If you want the support of the Moon, simply adjust your purpose to whether it’s waxing or waning.
Dana, I have a question regarding the neck lift surgery we spoke about last year. I’m curious if the Sun in Taurus (ruling throat) would be a good time or not, a late April early May date. Or should I wait till July-August? Denise
Hi Denise, Well, the rule is, don’t do any invasive procedures on a body part when the Sun is in the sign that governs it—so, the answer would be no to late April early May. But honestly, I’ve always been troubled by this rule and I’m not sure whether to trust it. I would avoid the procedure during Venus, Mercury, or Mars retrograde. But the best practice is to do things when they’re in the flow, feeling easy; when you’re not anxious, you’re not pushing, rather, you’re traveling forward smoothly. The way to create the groove for this flow is by cultivating positive feelings about the procedure, then noticing when your body is moved to do it. Your mood will be more relaxed and confident. Getting a good date from an astrologer is less important than the quality of your own energy field.
Dana, I have a question about the Venus Santeria ritual. Should the preparation & complete burning of the candle and going to a stream to sail the bread roll be done in the same day? Or across two days? Does this also extend to what sign the Moon is in? Meaning do you think it’s better to do the ritual when the Moon isn’t in void or in a Moon sign that is earth instead of Scorpio or any other water/fire/air sign? Nicole
Nicole, As far as the ritual, I usually do the burning on Thursday and the sailing-down-the-stream on Friday (because it feels more luxurious to have this longer preparation)… but sometimes I do them both on Friday, especially when my schedule is tight.
The foundation for all ritual is your sincerity—the features of the sky, what sign the Moon is in, etc. are extra boosts, but not necessary to have a good ritual experience. Of course, who doesn’t like a little extra boost? It’s always best to do the ritual when you’re ready to breathe with it, to give it time and space in your life. Always. The sky positions are just the icing on the cake, the balloons in the air, the celebratory kazoos.
For years I’ve asked the following question of my clients before their sessions: “What, if anything, have you been neglecting lately? Nine times out of ten my client answers “Myself.” That’s a MOON imbalance—and it’s a common problem for our times. Unbalanced Moons take care of everyone but themselves. You’ll find some remedies in my Scorpio New Moon workshop. Enroll here!
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