Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions, occurring every 12 years, are super transformative, often coinciding with major turning points: -technological breakthroughs, wild political shifts, viral pandemics, and their cures. This aspect perfects on April 4, June 29, and November 12 this year—yet it’s active throughout 2020.
Shortly after I first wrote about this potent & explosive conjunction, someone emailed: “Do the three conjunctions mean the coronavirus will come in three waves?”
Good question! Scholars & scribes—astrologers who base their predictions on time-honored techniques—would say, “Yes! You can expect another wave in November.”
Magicians—astrologers who engage with the planets as vital & creative energies—would say, “It all depends on your magic.”
Clearly the United States used bad magic. Within two weeks of the second J/P conjunction (June 29), the number of COVID-19 cases jumped 82%. Forty-five out of 50 states have seen an alarming increase in numbers. Yet around the world it’s apparent that other countries, many in fact, had much better magic. They’re not seeing the same out-of-control growth from Jupiter & Pluto that we’re seeing here.
Which is why astrology predictions often fail—they don’t account for free will. No one lives passively under the planets’ control. What you do–or don’t do–matters.
Making the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction work for you
I encourage you to use your free will to take advantage of this phenomenal aspect. It will come again in 12 years—but not in such close connection with Saturn, as is happening now. This year—personally and collectively—such big changes are possible! You can feel this. It’s an incredible time.
How to begin? I recommend trying my 7-day Jupiter/Pluto ritual (in my “Superpowers” post here). Within a month of my doing it, my web traffic, readings and report sales–after holding steady for years–nearly doubled! These were clear, measurable results. Yet they were not exactly my intention. The boost was a celestial gift, a nod that I was working in the right direction.
As I recommend in the post, instead of wishing for outer “things,” you’ll catch more energy if you first, follow a passion (Pluto), then surrender this desire to a loftier aim (Jupiter).
I have a passion for the authentically magical practice of astrology—the one with its roots in ancient Mesopotamian divination. My wish was to effectively start sharing this view with a wider world. Often in magic it’s cautioned: “Be careful what you ask for.” I suddenly became obsessed with writing posts. After writing few new ones for years, now I couldn’t stop. And these were long posts–involving hours of research. After a few weeks, I felt like the girl in The Red Shoes, Hans Christian Andersen’s cautionary fairy tale about desire. This was magical possession for sure!
I love to do rituals. For an astrologer-magician, it’s a form of play. Ritual helps to develop and test the relationships I have with the gods. Each is an experiment. I learn something new every time. After I post a ritual, I sometimes receive a comment or email from a reader with this message: “I did it; but nothing happened.”
When that’s your experience, all it means is that you didn’t sufficiently interest the gods! I spent nearly six weeks researching the conjunction and writing about these two planets. That definitely caught their attention. You don’t have to work as hard as that, but you should know something about the Divine Ones you’re appealing to. This hooks them. And it boosts your capacity to properly read their signs.
How to capture the mind of a god
A ritual is a pas-de-deux—it’s a dance with a nonhuman form of energy. If you haven’t practiced this—and seen results—you tend to fall into “spiritual consumerism.”
With real magic, we use the invisible world to influence the visible world. With spiritual consumerism, it’s the other way around. We hope that using the visible world (like stones or crystals or a special date on the calendar) will somehow influence the invisible world.
We buy into the hope that something else will do the work for us. Rarely does this succeed. In the 70’s I bought lots of crystals, thinking each one held amazing powers that I didn’t have on my own. But over the years, as I carted them around, losing some, saving others, they became just rocks.
The details of any ritual are like those rocks–they’re dead, until we awaken them with our focus. It’s what we imagine about the rocks that unlocks their connections to the invisible world. Our mind is the magical instrument. And it’s only when our mind is truly focused on the Gods for whom the ritual was designed that They will become interested in our cause.
The sacred objects & prayer in the 7-day ritual are designed to corral the mind in the right directions. For seven days, starting on a Thursday, I recited the Jupiter/Pluto prayer in the morning. This turned my thoughts their way—and at some point in every day, I received a new Jupiter/Pluto revelation—including, and I’m embarrassed to admit this, on one day I discovered I have a Jupiter/Pluto aspect in my birth chart! If I had ever known this, I had long since forgotten it. After thirty years, it was lovely to be reminded.
Around dusk, on the last day of my Jupiter & Pluto week, a strong scent of lilacs arose and settled around my altar for about two hours. Lilacs were in season that week—among the early spring flowers ruled by Pluto. Yet my windows were closed and there were no cut flowers in the house. The scent was beautiful.
Click photo for the post with the ritual:
Ivan says
Debby Coates says
Thank you for your extensive research on Jupiter and Pluto, and I have taken notes and have set up my altar and am ready to start my ritual after the next New Moon on a Thursday. I can already feel new energies in my body arising due to my excitement and enthusiasm about this new magic! And I always enjoy learning new things!
I’m happy your business was blessed by your ritual! Happy upcoming Lunar Eclipse.
Debby Coates
jacquie donahue says
Another great read Dana! I love your tried and true recipes for how to break out of the modern spiritual consumerism rut and actively engage our connection to the unseen. Your rituals give me the template I need to get over my own awkwardness. and be active in my devotion to “greater”. Thank you for sharing. P.S. I found a studio space the day after we spoke… you can bet I’ll build it with the spirit of ritual, honoring and devotion. Xo!!!
Dana Gerhardt says
Woo hoo! Thanks for the lovely feedback … and I’m not surprised about the space showing up so quickly!
Wendy says
Thank you Dana for your posts
I look forward to them every new and full moon.
Dana Gerhardt says
I just fixed the link; here it is: link to mooncircles.com
Mary says
Lovely post but did not see the link to the 7-day ritual (?)