It’s the heart of winter in the northern hemisphere. Thank goodness the heavens always bring the joyful energy of Leo into the mid-winter Full Moon. Leo is for fire, for playfulness and reconnecting to your inner child, for art and creative expression in any form, and for extravagant heart sensations in the ways that light you up.
Leo links us to both spine and heart. What’s the connection? It starts with the yogic idea that life force—kundalini energy—rests at the base of the spine. As we open our hearts, using breath, movement, and creative expression, the kundalini can slowly rise into the heart. With my birth Moon in Leo, I often notice the connection between tensions in my spine and how my heart feels. When I’m “off” along the spine, I’m often “off” emotionally. No matter where Leo is in your chart, you might take a moment this Full Moon to check in with your heart and spine.
With the Sun in Aquarius now, we have connection to our lower legs as well. So we might take a standing shape that enables us to feel the flow of air which will help the fire in our body to move.
Open your Heart
Opening the heart is a simple pose. But the effects are profound. First, stand in mountain, feet rooted, breath steady and calm. Observing yourself lovingly, see how you might be able to open your arms and breathe into a backbend that feels light and playful. If you feel open, steady and ready for more, try balancing on one leg as in Dancer’s Pose.
Dancer’s Pose
Stand on left leg and bend right knee so you are kicking the right leg behind you. You might pulse with this: inhale to bring knee next to hip and exhale to kick the knee back behind you. This can help you determine if your range of motion, your current core balance, and your energy is open and ready to try something like this today. If feeling ready, you might even reach your right hand back to grab your right ankle or foot, in order to then extend the spine into a backbend. Take a few breaths in this shape. Then shake it out and begin exploring the other side.
Even simply trying it out and aiming to have fun while exploring a standing shape like this is Leo connection! Remember that Full Moons are a balancing of opposite energies and a powerful time midway through the lunar cycle to reflect on what is currently on point in your life.
Hooray for play this Full Moon!
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