With the March Equinox we welcome the renewal of the astrological wheel. As the Sun enters Aries, we enter a new season. Seasonal shifts can be a bit tender as we have to make room for unpredictable weather, both externally and internally. For me, the shift from winter to spring can feel somewhat painful. Coming out of hibernation mode, I feel vulnerable as I start to explore who I am now, again.
Aries rules “me” energy, along with the head, face, and brain. The Full Moon in Libra rules “we” energy, along with the kidneys and lower back. These areas of the body want balancing now. Without enough “me” time, we’ll suffer in the lower back. Without enough “we” time, the brain overheats and gets agitated.
A wonderful solution is to simply observe the head and low back together. This can feel quite balancing for both areas of the body. I’ve chosen Warrior 1 as our Full Moon yoga shape because it does just that. It can help you to sense your upper and lower halves, and bring the inner fire of Aries into harmony with the sweet flowing air of Libra. Libra energy can help to soften the determined ambition of Aries and remind us that the season we’re entering is three months long. We don’t have to emerge all at once.
Warrior 1 Variation
My favorite way to find Warrior 1 lately is to start with feet together and maybe have blocks next to the feet.
When ready, bend your knees to place your hands on the floor or on blocks. Step your right leg back into a lunge. Take a moment to determine the depth and width you currently need for your lunge. Place your right foot (back foot) on an angle so that the sole of the foot can stay connected to the ground. You might even need to hop that foot further to the right to prepare to stand upright within the shape in a stable position.
Once you do come upright, take some breaths to check in with how it all feels. Gentle pulses in and out of bent front knee, some movement in the torso, some shoulder and neck movements…these can all be part of that process.
Next, take your right hand to your right side low back (kidney area) and your left hand to the back of your head. Use your own body force, breath, and gentle sensing to feel out the Aries and Libra connection.
You might then switch your right hand to meet your left hand behind your head, and then both hands to both sides of low back. Keep exploring and allowing the Libra’s peaceful breaths to integrate in your mindset as well.
Perhaps this Full Moon will help you see what the new season is asking of you.
Chris H says
Articles explaining the astrological tie between our bodies and the signs are so helpful so thank you for the info Jenn!! On my nightly walk last Thursday, I felt hunched over a bit so I places my hands on my lower back to open my chest as I walked. It may have looked funny but it felt really good.