I’m playing hooky from my blog this week, as I’ve got a new member of the family to tend. Sophia is our new little boxer pup. A Pisces with a Gemini Moon, she’s a soulful talker. I’ve had dogs all my life, but it’s been twenty years since I raised a puppy. What a delight–and (as only a Virgo rising like me can make it)–a great new stress. I’d forgotten how much time and attention it takes to raise these darlings right. Thank goodness for Cesar Millan–whose Pisces Moon knows just how to communicate with animals in their own language, which is scent, sight, and sound. It’s about body language, energy, and connection, says Cesar, a formula that’s true for people too. Sophia is the goddess of wisdom. I can already tell: she’s going to teach me a lot.

Thanks for all Help, patience you had with me, ,my problems…., even I don´t know if this big trine in wate can help. I´M FIGHTING NOT TO FALL IN DEPRESSION, as I´try to follow your advises…
Finally, the Judge gave a sentencie. Machado-Leite familly are guilty, and have to pay, destroy and rebuitl , as it was 30 years ago.
For any specific reason, windmill was not SELL TWO YEARS AGO.
Now, is our solutions, and we made a lot of changes.
We can apply, diferente Judies and a BIG TRINE WATER, IS GIVING ME hOPE.
Oh dear… I’m so sorry the decision was not in your favor. It is a good time for hoping. I’ll add you into my prayers.
How is Sophia doing? Last month I adopted a little 3 legged dog named Juju. He was brought to the shelter, his leg shattered and hanging, someone had hit him and he was found on the side of the road but his tail was still wagging. My friend happened to be at the shelter, she has a farm and frequently tries to rescue dogs from being euthanized and then finds them homes. She put this little guy on Facebook and in 6 hours raised the $2500 needed for the surgery to amputate his leg. I fell so in love with him, what a spirit! Inspite of his trauma he is the happiest guy ever and gets along really well on 3 legs. He has already taught me so much, no matter how tough things get there is still joy, and he is a joy! His name is Juju and my friend made a Facebook page for him Juju: A Three Legged Dog’s Incredible Journey. Thanks for sharing about Sophia. I think our animals are our greatest teachers!
Oh what a story! My other dog, Jupiter, is losing function in his back legs–we have a wheel chair for him. He often falls and/or drags himself around the house–but he never gets cranky about it. He keeps a sense of humor and is pleased with small victories, like getting in his favorite chair every night. Animals do have so much to teach us!
Congratulations, Dana, to both you and Sophia — what a match!
I’m taking this “puppy” of an opportunity to thank you for your stupendous insights published over the years — my life is the richer for them.
Thank you.
Thanks so much for those kind words!