Light and dark are in balance again on the face of this Moon. You won’t see the Last Quarter in the evening sky if you retire early. It rises after midnight. But not too worry—you can find it in the morning sky. This Moon sets around noon.
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From Dana Gerhardt’s Moon Workshop
Sometimes the most important action during this phase is refraining from action. Be wise rather than impulsive. Time to reorient yourself. There are doors you opened that didn’t take you where you wanted to go. There are enemies you’ve battled that turned into windmills. No matter how it looks, your frustrations now result more from inner conditions than outer. Your task is to let go of illusions and face yourself. It’s not so bad. After the shedding you’ll feel stronger. This phase is like a monthly turn from autumn into winter. Let your many thought-leaves go; admire the bare limbs of your essential nature. If you’re feeling restless, it may be that you’ve got a creative streak ahead of you. Don’t waste it battling those who “just don’t get it.” Not everyone sees around the next curve. Enjoy this pause. The time for action comes again at the next New Moon. Gather your will; sharpen your intentions. Breathe like an aware Buddha; smile like a wise goddess.
This moon’s gift is Refinement.
You’re bringing this cycle’s work to completion. During creative projects, this is the stage for refinement and polishing. In personal work this is the time you realize that much of your problems are self-generated. That’s a good realization. Because it means that you have the power to fix much of your problems! Whatever is happening on the outside, ask: “What needs to change in me?”
Its foundation element is Earth.
Earth stabilizes. Nothing could grow without it. As the Moon cycle draws to a close, the energy is also drawing deeper into the ground. Gardeners know that this is the time to nourish the roots… cutting above ground limbs is easier because there’s less energy in the branches. This phase do something earthy–plant your feet in mud, hug a tree—grounding is favored.
What do you most need to learn this phase?
That there is nothing more powerful than an attitude adjustment. With a change in attitude, you can move mountains. Adjust your perspective and you can accomplish more in a day than most people achieve in a month. Seeing things in a new way helps you trust in a future that’s better than your present.
Are you touching the Moon? It’s one thing to read about the Moon, but another to tune into her with energetic sensitivity. The first method is mental; the second is sensuous and intuitive (which is of course the preferred way to grasp the Moon). Dana’s Moon Workshop can support you in developing an exciting, organic relationship with the Moon.
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