As the global elite dined on Norwegian lobster in Davos, Egyptians took to the streets, erupting in protest against decades of oppressive leadership, high unemployment, rising food prices, and lives without hope. It is a dramatic post card, illuminating the collision between the haves and have-nots promised by Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn in 2008 and accelerated by its coming squares from revolutionary Uranus in 2012. There may be debate on which astrology chart is most accurate for Egypt, but this one (from Nick Campion’s world horoscopes) reveals that Egypt’s Sun (its identity) is receiving its final liberating square from the recent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. In the country’s progressed chart, its Sun is rapidly approaching a conjunction with transformative Pluto. This developing story will not go away quietly.
Interesting analysis Dana.Surely there will be a debate on which astrology chart is most accurate for Egypt,but controversies do happen.None the less good Analysis