“At the ‘end of the world as we know it,’ the Unseen World waits to be found again.” –Michael Meade
Last week, to allay escalating fears about an impending apocalypse on December 21, Russian officials demanded that the country’s main TV stations stop airing a sensationalized program about Mayan prophecies. The government even took the unorthodox step of reassuring the public that the world was not about to end.
There’s a lot of hype and frenzy right now about the Mayan Calendar. Like Y2K and other doomsday scenarios before it, the “end of time as we know it” has proved irresistible to those who would capitalize on peoples’ fascination and fear. This is why I jumped off the Mayan Calendar bandwagon a few years ago: I refused to continue speculating about an event whose outcome no one could possibly predict.
Though I was impressed by what I’d heard about the Mayan Calendar’s parallels with historical events and changes in consciousness, predictions about certain time periods often fell short. Yes, change was accelerating exponentially—but we didn’t “meet the neighbors” and become part of the galactic community. Nor have we experienced teleportation and time travel—or instantaneous manifestation. We have grown more tightly connected via communication systems, and bonded through devastating events. And, more and more people have embraced a spiritual path.
A new world is being born as the old one dies. The Mayans weren’t the only ones to foresee this messy but exhilarating process—the Egyptians and Incas held similar beliefs. Many cultures have predicted that a giant wave of cosmic energy would permeate Earth’s atmosphere as the Sun reached our Galactic Center around the 2012 Solstice. To the ancients, the center of the Milky Way galaxy represented the womb of creation, the Great Mother of all. So, rather than an apocalypse to be dreaded, this incoming wave of higher consciousness is more likely a wondrous blessing from the Goddess—a fresh start for those who are ready.
The 2012 Winter Solstice chart (December 21, 2012, at 5:12 a.m. EST), traditionally seen as a snapshot of the year ahead, is quite magical. It contains an exact yod, or Finger of God, between Saturn in Scorpio (karmic clearing), Pluto in Capricorn (natural law), and Jupiter in Gemini (info downloads). And, Neptune in Pisces is sextile the Sun in Capricorn, linking spirituality with the ‘real world.’ Since 2013 also contains amazing “openings” at the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice (more on those later!), this Winter Solstice seems to be ushering in a life-changing new year. The Solstice can therefore be seen as a gateway into a more loving, connected state of being—by letting go of old karmic patterns and heaviness that have held us back, adhering to natural laws to improve our well-being and that of the Earth, and paying close attention to the info downloads we’re receiving.
Meanwhile, the December 13 Sagittarius New Moon (12:42 a.m. PST) sets the stage for this shift. Only three hours after the Sun and Moon join in inspiring, uplifting Sagittarius, Uranus charges forward in restless Aries after five months of retrograde motion. That’s a double dose of fire to get things moving! Liberating Uranus turning direct often corresponds with exciting, unpredictable events and awakenings. You might arise that morning from a dream that’s shaken you to your core—or suddenly find you’re able to release something that’s been blocking your progress. The Finger of God will be very close to exact at the New Moon, so begin listening for downloads then, as well as on the 17th when messenger Mercury opposes Jupiter and triggers the karmic yod.
According to mythologist Michael Meade, the “end of time” is about a greater interface with the Unseen World—that which exists behind our apparent reality. In this seven-minute video, he explains why the world can’t end, because we’re inextricably tied to the eternal. So, we can utilize these upcoming cosmic openings to tune in to the invisible realm, draw peace and power from our true source, and step into the future.
Creating a treasure map is a great way to envision and create the future. For inspiration and guidance, follow this link to a Sagittarius New Moon ritual from my book, Astro Feng Shui: Making Magic in Your Home and Life.
Holiday Special: Between now and the end of Dec., order my recorded natal reading with cycles (reg. $195) or update (reg. $175) for only $150. Gift yourself or friends and family with a focused look at what lies within and ahead for 2013. Contact me soon, though, as this is my busiest time of year! (e-mail me at simone@astroalchemy.com).
© 2012 by Simone Butler
Painting by Claudia Fernety. See more of Claudia’s work at her website.
Well, I felt no cosmic energy, and since the Sun passes through the same part of the sky every year, I can say I didn’t feel it last year, either.
The Sun is aligned with Galactic Center, would have been a better way of putting it!
“a giant wave of cosmic energy would permeate Earth’s atmosphere as the Sun reached our Galactic Center around the 2012 Solstice. ” I don’t understand – the Galactic Center is about 20,000 light years away. the Sun certainly isn’t moving in that direction.
Dear Pat,
I’m so thrilled that we are making a difference in your lives! 🙂 Heartfelt blessings back atcha! Cheers, Simone
Our family is most grateful to be able to be with you via Mooncircles and also your web page. You help us live more heart/love filled lives with one-another not just within our family but with the world, being able to cast aside fear-mongering such as the media’s so called “fiscal-cliff” and other dire future scenarios. Love to all of you at Mooncircles.
Heartfelt Blessings!
You have a magical way to help me “engage with the mystery of my life” and I am thankful, Simone!! Godspeed as we ALL remain willing to achieve our highest Destiny. We are in this together. Love and Light…
Beautifully put, Judy! I’m grateful for you as well, and we are indeed in it together! Have a blessed holiday…love, Simone