“Things do not change; we change.” –Henry David Thoreau
Grandpa Hewes was a true Sagittarian. Born at the turn of the last century, Mom’s father was a free-wheeling blacksmith-turned-postmaster who regaled us with songs on his banjo – and told dubious tales that he swore were true. While smoking a pipe filled with cherry tobacco, he’d root for his favorite baseball team. But Grandpa’s favorite thing was being out in nature, hunting wildlife with his dogs. In later years, he and Grandma would jump in the car on Sundays and drive two hours to the mountains of Julian, where they’d chow down on fried chicken and apple pie.
Grandpa loved the holiday season. Each year around this time he’d draw festive trees on his fence, which he’d then paint over at the New Year. I loved my grandpa, but going to his house had a dark side. Surrounded by a captive audience, he’d go off on bigoted rants. And poor Grandma acquired an ulcer from trying to get him to see reason.
Grandpa would have scoffed at Thoreau’s quote (above). Changing himself was not on the agenda – it was others who had to change. The idea that your opinions shape what you see, and therefore what you experience, would have been lost on him. Yet quantum theory has proven what metaphysicians like Thoreau have known all along: That if you change your thinking, the outer world will start to reflect that shift.
During this Thanksgiving season, our thoughts naturally turn to who and what we appreciate. Yet many of us aren’t feeling very appreciative this year. In the wake of the most divisive election in recent history, some are opting out of family gatherings altogether. Dreading the inevitable confrontations, they’d rather stay home – or join instead with those of like mind. That makes sense, especially with righteous Jupiter in judicious Libra squaring ornery Pluto in old school Capricorn. But taking the high road is not impossible, as long as you stay focused in your heart.
The Sagittarius New Moon (Nov. 29, 4:18 am PST) conjuncts Juno, an asteroid that symbolizes our most fundamental feelings about those we love. Juno’s fights with her husband Jupiter were legendary, and yet they adored each other. With Juno is in Jupiter’s sign, joining the Sun and Moon, we’re asked to see beyond differing opinions and reach for the love that lies beneath. That might mean changing your attitude or approach. Let the alchemical fire of Sagittarius transmute your old beliefs. Don’t wait till that person is gone, and it’s too late.
Into the first week of December, Jupiter supportively sextiles Saturn – while Mars clicks in to harmonize with them both. This golden phase is auspicious for righting wrongs, gaining clarity, and launching new business ventures or relationships. Set your New Year’s goals early, rather than waiting for Jan. 1, when Mercury will be retrograde (Dec. 19 – Jan. 8). And, be sure to let me know when you’re ready for an upbeat, laser-like reading on what 2017 holds for you!
Why not make a treasure map near the New Moon to chart the course for your New Year? Check out the Sagittarius New Moon ritual from my book, Astro Feng Shui: Making Magic in Your Home and Life, for help. And, watch the mini-video on enhancing the Knowledge gua of your home for more clarity and better decision-making.
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