After tending to a sick relative for hours, Peggy came home exhausted and fell into bed. At some point in the night, a noise awakened her. Groggy, she stumbled into the hallway to investigate – where she encountered a stranger. “Are you lost?” she inquired, instinctively putting her hand on his arm. “Can I help you?” The stranger looked at her for a moment, uncertain what to do, then spun around and fled.
As she told us the story years later from her pulpit as a Unity minister, Rev. Peggy marveled at how fearless she’d been. After the intruder left she’d begun to shake, realizing that he was up to no good. But her rock-solid instinct to love had protected her – from what, we’ll never know.
New as I was to astrology, even I could catch the musty scent of Pluto – Lord of the Underworld – in the mix. Rev. Peggy was undoubtedly having a Pluto transit – or perhaps a Scorpio Full Moon activating her natal planets. She’d had a close encounter with a potentially dark force and lived to tell the tale.
At the annual Scorpio Full Moon (Saturday, May 18, 2:11 p.m. PDT), we’re reminded that darkness does exist…but also that we have tremendous power to influence events. This Full Moon has a lot to say, as the Scorpio Moon opposes both Sun and Mercury in Taurus. In fact, there are four planets in earthy Taurus, including Venus, strong and fertile in the sign she rules, conjunct electric Uranus, who’s making headway on his seven-year mission to awaken the Earth and all her inhabitants. Listen for sudden messages about your role in helping our Mother around this Full Moon.
Traditional astrology holds that the Moon is in its fall in Scorpio, wreaking all kinds of havoc whether natally or by transit. But I think of the Scorpio Full Moon differently. Yes, it’s an emotional time when primal desires are up for many. Those who are in thrall to unconscious or irrational urges may be in the spotlight. The old is passing away, leaving an empty womb-space from which new life can germinate. The Dark Goddess of transition is afoot.
Consequently, there is no better Full Moon for magic. This is especially true for those with Scorpio Moon, who possess a talent for cutting through surface distractions to discover what’s underneath and bring about change. According to Dorothy Morrison in Everyday Moon Magic, the Scorpio Moon’s real specialty is divination. So at this Full Moon, no matter your lunar sign, open yourself to receive important messages from Spirit. You might consult your favorite oracle, like the I Ching, Tarot or an angel deck. But with the Sun and Mercury in Taurus, messages are most likely to come from nature, whether the Moon, a special tree or rock, or a totem animal.
Our ancestors placed great importance on signs from the natural world and other unusual occurrences. Nature divination can be as simple as picking up a rock that calls to you and looking for images on its surface, or asking a question of your favorite tree and finding the answer in its gnarled bark. Trust your instincts implicitly now. Let them guide you as they did for Rev. Peggy. No matter what may transpire near this Full Moon, stay firmly anchored to the love within that protects you and reveals the way forward.
Collage art by Simone Butler
I spent tonight wiring up my garden from a rabbit that keeps getting in a d eating my plants and leaving babies in shallow nests in the lawn.????
It sounds like fertile, prosperous rabbit medicine wants to be in your life, Janice! Maybe you could create a special part of the garden with plants for the rabbit and her babies. That would be a wonderful expression of Venus in Taurus!
I love the idea of Nature Magic! I have NN in Scorpio in the 12th and SN in Taurus in the 6th so this really speaks to me. Though the moon will not conj those things in my chart, it will conj my ASC EXACTLY!! Will I maybe transform the way I am seen by others in the coming days or by the New Moon in Taurus?? We shall see! But a little divination is definitely something I will be trying or will be looking out for signs from Mother Nature herself.!
Thanks Simone for a great blog post on this upcoming Scorpio Full Moon and a SUPER Moon for us Scorpio’s!
Looking forward to magic and spirit encounters. Thank you for the mention of nature too. My special place is the beach and I have plans to visit.
That sounds wonderful, Ellen. May you have a powerful Full Moon!
this morning I was looking out of the window in my meditation and prayer room.
A crow flew towards me as if he/she was going to fly in my face. I even closed the window for a moment. The crow settled right above me on the ledge above the window. Said nothing, just sat there, and then flews away in the direction of the East, which was on my right. never said . word. Just flew toward me, sat above for a luttle more than a moment, and flew away. THIS was magic, and mgic speaking to me! what a gift!
What a wonderful visitation, Anne! The crow must be one of your totem animals. It would be powerful to get an image of a crow to put on your altar. Best wishes for an amazing Full Moon!