A senator kicks an angry protestor out of a town meeting. LA burns-- an "angry fire" devouring dry brush with a vengeance. A model's mutilated body is found in a dumpster. An anti-texting PSA, depicting a graphic head-on collision, goes viral. Around the world it travels: with its blood, screaming, and death. Good news: an abducted girl is found--after being held captive … [Read more...]
Mars as big as the Moon!
Nah. Mars never did get as big as the Moon... back in August 2003 when it came within 35 million miles of Earth, its closest approach in 60,000 years. But now, every August, sure as the blackberries start ripening, the "Spectacular Mars" emails start circulating, and I hear from excited clients wondering how this whole Mars thing will affect them. The truth is that Mars … [Read more...]