It used to be the Moon was immanent--that is, present on earth in all the things she rules, including bowls. milk and bodies. Yet as civilization sprawled, the Moon, along with all the other gods, was chased into the heavens. Once the gods left, people learned to worship from afar, using middle-men priests, religious traditions, and books. Yet in each century, there was … [Read more...]
Drawing Down the Moon, into Water
It used to be the Moon was immanent--that is, present on earth in all the things she rules, including bowls. milk and bodies. Yet as civilization sprawled, the Moon, along with all the other gods, was chased into the heavens. Once the gods left, people learned to worship from afar, using middle-men priests, religious traditions, and books. Yet in each century, there was … [Read more...]
Drinking the Moon
If somebody sold Moon Water in my town, sales would be brisk. Ashland Oregon is abundant with individuals who genuinely revere the Divine Feminine and believe in the powers of subtle energies. And while quite a few of us actually dance under the Full Moon, many more of us, unfortunately, simply dance with the idea of doing it, and most months, we’re even too busy for that. … [Read more...]