When you're young, everything that happens is new. There's no telling which joys, triumphs, tragedies, or heartbreaks are random events, and which are the first installments in storylines that will play out across your lifetime. As a child, even into your teens and your twenties, you’re still figuring out what your stories are. Gemini and its ruling planet, Mercury, are … [Read more...]
Your Gemini Rorschach Test
When you connect the dots, it's easy to see the fraternal spirit of Gemini in its stars. Here are the twins, Castor and Pollux, holding hands, and engaged in lively conversation for all eternity. Yet this month you can't lie back and watch this pair stroll across the night sky. The Sun is in Gemini. That means this constellation is currently veiled by our closest star's bright … [Read more...]
Gemini New Moon: What is the Universe Trying to Tell You?
Seven years ago, when faced with a major remodel of my family home, I began searching for the right contractor. The first candidate showed up fifteen minutes late without bothering to call. Then, over the course of the interview, he admitted that his contractor’s license had expired. Just as I was starting to really wonder about this guy, we heard a loud commotion from the … [Read more...]