These aren't the easiest of times. Everyone’s cup is filled to the rim, and living with daily stressors can really wear you down. Paradoxically, stress lowers our tolerance for handling the complexity it brings into our life; science says stress chemicals hi-jack our brains, and narrowing our ability to think we literally become dumber. Under stress, we become reactionary and … [Read more...]
Libra Lunar Eclipse: You Were Asleep
Eclipses are freakish moments when the world ceases to function the way we expect it to. The air turns prickly and the sky turns dark and we panic a little, the way you might if the electricity suddenly went out on a cold, windy night when you're home alone. Objectively, you know you're safe. But during eclipse times, objectivity is not on the menu. Your perceptions have been … [Read more...]
Libra New Moon: Sacred Marriage
“Marriage is no marriage that is not linked up with the sun and the earth, the moon and the fixed stars and the planets. Marriage is no marriage that is not a correspondence of blood…a communion of the two bloodstreams.” --D.H. Lawrence Inspired by a study on the health benefits of “earthing,” I’ve been sitting in the backyard for 15 minutes each morning with my bare feet on … [Read more...]