What do you stand for? Whenever my friend, Connie, feels challenged in life and is not sure what to do, she contemplates these five words that her mentor drummed into her many years ago. “All I have to do is say them aloud,” Connie explained, “and I feel centered and focused again.” Cosmically, it is all coming together—wildish energy, unavoidable challenge, self-doubt, … [Read more...]
Gemini Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse: A Gift for Fiction
Back in my Jurassic, pre-Internet teenage days, I answered an ad in the back of a book and sent away for a copy of my birth chart. When it arrived in the mail, scribbled in an actual astrologer’s cryptic hand, I was disappointed to find that the Moon was in Gemini at my birth. I’d never read anything good about Gemini. Any planets in Gemini, I was led to understand, doomed your … [Read more...]