Capricorn is a striver. This sign loves to climb and achieve. But it couldn't reach its goals without knowing patience. To deepen into the heart of this New Moon, you may wish to cultivate the quality of interiority and receptive waiting that defines Capricorn's patience. One way to do this is to "think like a mountain" and attune to the consciousness of eternity as it is … [Read more...]
Capricorn Meditation: Think like a Mountain
Capricorn is a striver. This sign loves to climb and achieve. But it couldn't reach its goals without knowing patience. To deepen into the heart of this New Moon, you may wish to cultivate the quality of interiority and receptive waiting that defines Capricorn's patience. One way to do this is to "think like a mountain" and attune to the consciousness of eternity as it is … [Read more...]
Top 3 Ways the Aquarius New Moon is Calling You
Call in Aquarius this month by breaking out of your box. Wake up from any slumbering limitations. Your inner genius is ready for a revolution. Anywhere you’ve been feeling stuck? If you’re not living the life you want, listen. Fresh Aquarian thoughts are sounding through your mind-stream now and in the week ahead. This New Moon arrives with an in-breath of Aquarian … [Read more...]
Aquarius Meditation: The Lightning Bolt
The Aquarius New Moon is a cosmically ordered moment to shake loose the restrictions that limit us from fulfilling our potentials. It is a time to set the world on fire, symbolically speaking -- to take risks, rather than remain safe. Look to your individual astrological chart to the house with Uranus in it, or that is ruled by the sign of Aquarius, to see where the trickster … [Read more...]
Aquarius New Moon: Call and Response
It’s another New Moon! The wishes you make now may indeed be super-powered, but if you don’t have a strong relationship with the archetypes, don’t expect special favors. If you rarely visit your eccentric Aunt Ella, don’t expect her to gift you with the latest iPad on your next birthday. New Moons are potent times to forge alliances with the gods. Open yourself to their touch. … [Read more...]