The wishes you make now may indeed be super-powered, but if you don’t have a strong relationship with the archetypes, don’t expect special favors. If you rarely sip tea with your quirky neighborhood psychic, don’t expect her to throw rings of protection around your house. New Moons are potent times to forge alliances with the gods. Visit the invisible world. Bow and open … [Read more...]
Pisces Meditation: Close Out the Circle
The circle—a timeless image used in Tibetan mandalas, Native American medicine wheels, and astrology—conveys the ever-turning wheel of life. And indeed, the Pisces New Moon occurs just ten days before the Spring Equinox. On March 20th, the Sun will slip out of Pisces and into 0 degrees Aries, signaling the start of a new astrological cycle. Thus this New Moon in watery … [Read more...]