New Moon or Solar Ingress? It's a silly question: because why should you have to choose. But it's an important one. Here at Mooncircles, New Moons tend to get our attention. But it's the Sun's transits that actually inspire the changing qualities of every month. As the "hour hand" on the clock of the year, the Sun sets the seasons. It also guides us into auspicious activity, if … [Read more...]
The Sun enters Aries
Spring has arrived. It’s the Equinox—that pivotal moment in the year when daylight equals the dark, fulfilling the promise of Imbolc (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere). It’s time to break out and break through! All over my garden I see the signs. Hyacinths and daffodils are poking their heads above ground. Branches that have looked dead for months now sprout with new … [Read more...]
Leo Full Moon: I’ll Follow the Sun
The Full Moon in warm, open-hearted, playful Leo stands in kittenish contrast to the Sun in Aquarius’ more impersonal brand of friendliness. Ruled by the Sun, Leo seems custom-made to shine brightly and joyfully. But while I was born with the Sun in this extravagant sign, I’m something of a failed Leo. My mother used to tell me that I started out as the sunniest, happiest … [Read more...]