For awhile several years ago, we were visited twice each month by a marvelous woman who cleaned our house. The place felt terrific after Angela had been here – not just clean, but calm. Centered. It was as though the place had been Rolfed, instead of merely mopped and dusted. Angela came to us through our elderly neighbor, Mildred. One day, after she had been coming to our … [Read more...]
Inspiration from Astraea
I’m still recovering from my WONDERFUL trip to Oxford! Given jet lag and the mountain of work that was waiting for me, I’m happy to have guest blogger Portia step in for me with this post. Portia is an unusually gifted poet who saw light beings as a child and now, at 26, collaborates with various goddesses when she writes. Her poem for the Virgo New Moon is “The Promise” … [Read more...]
Virgo New Moon: Harvest Bounty
My vegetable garden yielded some delicious squash, peppers, tomatoes and herbs, thrilling my novice gardener's soul. Still, despite regular watering and fertilizing, many things I planted in the spring never made it to fruition. Each morning I rip something out of the earth, bidding farewell to the withered cornstalk, or the brown raspberry bush for which I had high hopes. Such … [Read more...]
Pisces Full Moon: Let’s Get Lost
I’m four days into a two-week "staycation" – that is, a vacation spent entirely at home. I’ll admit that the astrologer in me found it a bit strange to begin this vacation just after the Sun had entered Virgo, the sign of work. But fortunately, this Friday brings a Full Moon in Pisces, with its seasonal call to review the balance between work (Sun in Virgo) and rest (Moon in … [Read more...]