From the top of Capricorn mountain, our attention is now drawn down and west, to the depths of the ocean, or the Cancer Full Moon. Cancer is cardinal water, the initiator of emotion, and for me, nothing has embodied the mystery, healing, sensitivity, life giving qualities of this sign more than the ocean—except for my own mama, who happens to have a Cancer Moon and arrives the day this lunation begins. Such synchronicities assure me we are in the flow of nature.
Cancer is the only sign ruled by the Moon; this is where the lunar goddess feels most at home. I did not know my own mom had a Cancer Moon until I was older, but now it is extremely easy to see. Where the Moon falls in your chart generally indicates what you need for emotional fulfillment. It is your “feeling” side, where you are most sensitive, fragile and also truly fulfilled. If you are ignoring the needs of your Moon, you will probably never feel completely whole. My mother is loving, sensitive, intuitive, and healing. She cries at the drop of a hat and has the most nurturing hug in the world. Every one of my friends has loved my mama and claimed her as her own. Some people were just meant to be moms—to everyone! I would wager that a lot of women like this have Cancer somewhere close to their Moon.
This is the weekend of receiving the motherly love you need. 2012 has come in strong and most of us sense this is going to be a big year of change and growth. Capricorn has already gotten many making plans, preparations and their heads “in the game.” But the universe is about balance, and lest we burn out before February even gets here, Cancer asks us to take a break, check in to see if our “physical” plans harmonize with our “emotional” needs and lay our heads in her lap.
I know how blessed I am to have my very own Cancer Moon Great Nurturing Mama with me this Full Moon. A lot of folks don’t have that. Yet there are many other ways to receive the tenderness we all require to thrive. A trip to the ocean and just meditating on the waves is a great practice. As you sit on the beach, imagine each inhale pulling in cleansing waters and every exhale letting go of your anxieties, fears and doubts. With each breath, let the salt air soothe you, the singing birds soften you and the power of mama ocean hold you.
If the ocean is not available, sitting under the Full Moon will work just fine. Perhaps pull out your favorite blanket, stuffed animal or pictures of a healing mother in your life, whether it is your own, mine, the Saint Amma or even a mother goddess like Durga, Demeter or Isis. Bundle up under the Moon feeling “held” by the images or items and again work with your breath. Let your breathing invoke the ocean, pulling the inhale like a wave of love and support, and releasing the exhale as if letting go of anything that does not nourish you.
It would also be a nice idea to get LOTS of hugs from friends, take a warm salt bath or hit the spa. If you feel like journaling, maybe just list all the emotional qualities you want to manifest in your life as you move forward in the new year. It is so easy to disregard our feelings when we are beginning a new year. Yet without a healthy relationship to the emotional body, a lot of plans will eventually fail. I recommend discovering your own Moon sign so you can spend the last two weeks of this cycle nurturing it.
Finally, Cancer is the lunation when I most like to make an offering back to the Mother. She is always giving and if we only take, soon she will have nothing left. If you feel comfortable ringing out your moon-blood in water and giving the water back to the ocean, earth, stream, etc, that is a very powerful gift. Or, if that is not your style, make a donation to Heal the Bay or Plant a Fish, non-profits that take care of our waters. I also plan on treating my biological mom to the spa for the same reasons.
Be gentle with yourself this weekend. Drink lots of fluids; be around water in whatever way you can. Pay attention to your emotions. Do activities that are nurturing. And take time to honor and receive the Great Mama in your life.
© 2011 Bekah Finch
All rights reserved
Bekah Finch Turner is a Yoga teacher, shamanic practitioner and moon devotee. For more information on her work and writing please visit