Call in Aquarius this month by breaking out of your box. Wake up from any slumbering limitations. Your inner genius is ready for a revolution. Anywhere you’ve been feeling stuck? If you’re not living the life you want, listen. Fresh Aquarian thoughts are sounding through your mind-stream now and in the week ahead. This New Moon arrives with an in-breath of Aquarian yearnings, virtues and values. You don’t need to make this happen. As part of the Great Cosmic Whole in which you’re immersed, you’re already flowing with this Sun/Moon rhythm.
Yet the brilliant human mind can go in two different ways. It can open itself to the genius of the Great Cosmic Mind. Or it can focus so utterly on earthly life that it can disconnect from Nature’s rhythm. New Moons are important moments to realign ourselves. This is the most auspicious moment to listen for celestial messages, decode them properly, and reboot. What messages are most important at the Aquarius New Moon?
Archetypes being what they are, they love to follow patterns. Following are the top three ways that Aquarius likes to call us at this time.
Follow the Call the Cleanse
Aquarius is the Water Bearer. This sign has strong associations with the cleansing and life-giving qualities of water. For the earliest astrologers, the Sun in Aquarius brought the rainy season when water poured from the heavens. This was when the Nile flooded; the fields were washed clean as life was renewed for another year. The Romans filled this month with rites of purification, followed by celebrations of the fertility goddess Februata, as they prepared for spring.
These ancient associations still live in the DNA. Something inside may be calling you to get clean now for your rebirth ahead. It’s time to clear out all the musty, droopy, angry, wimpy, static energy of the recent past. The inner and outer spaces mirror each other. If your body has been lethargic, your life is likely the same. Adjust your eating. The digestive fire is naturally waning. We no longer need our winter coats of fat. Eat less. Drink lots of water. Follow the inner signs to cleanse.
If your work has been uninspired, rearrange your office and throw out old papers. If family relationships are not as harmonious as you like, give your home a top-to-bottom cleaning. If nothing in particular comes to mind that needs cleaning, you might enjoy this simple water ritual. It’s a kind of sympathetic magic that lets become your own Water-bearing Angel.
Fill an atomizer or spray bottle with energetically charged water. First charge the water by placing a crystal in it for at least 24 hours (before that, clean the crystal by soaking it in a bowl of salt or under the sun’s rays). If you’re familiar with Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work, you know that writing positive intentions on the water bottle (“grace,” “radiance,” “fertility,” “passion,” or “peace”) will further charge the water molecules. Dip a sprig of pine in the water to double its energetic potency. Pine is purifying–it smells clean too! (And in a pinch, Rosewater from Heritage Store is fabulous.)
On the day of the New Moon, visit all the rooms in your house and mist them with your ritual water. You should notice the difference instantly! Enjoy the newly charged air. Be alert. New inspirations may come pouring in.
Follow the Call to Upgrade your Life
If you’re feeling edgy, itchy, and irritated, know that Aquarius is calling you. If you find yourself shouting “No!” to something you’ve tolerated too long, Aquarius is prodding you. Ingenious, frustrating, rebellious, visionary, this archetype loves to promote inner discontent.
In big or small ways, when you’ve tuned into Aquarius, you’ll feel the urge for a better future. Follow that inner niggling … how something in your present isn’t exactly right. This is divine discontent, opening the door to new possibilities. Genius loves to pour down whenever we get cranky. When we identify our problems, our genius will try to solve them. Aquarius helps to inspires breakthroughs and progress of all kinds.
Aquarius is THE cycle to upgrade your life. This is a good time–especially if you’re an elder–to step up to the challenge of some new technology. Technology keeps skipping ahead so quickly, new magical devices are available all the time. Gadgets may seem like a tame way to celebrate Aquarius. But again, recognize this as a kind of sympathetic magic. The miraculous algorithms of our digital age are potent tools that reflect our own divinely inspired capacities. With our digital devices we can instantly connect with the world. With our Aquarian genius, we can log into the brilliance of the universe.
Over the past fifteen years that I’ve been celebrating Moon cycles, if it weren’t for the Aquarius cycle, I never would have kept up! But it was in this cycle that I switched from cassette tapes to MP3 files. I began Skying, I learned how to edit images and sound files. This year is no exception as I just upgraded my computer to Windows 10.
Follow the Call to Celebrate Spring
Here in the Northern Hemisphere Aquarius brings us into the heart of winter, when we begin turning our thoughts toward spring. On February 2 we reach the mid-point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, or the cross-quarter holiday Imbolc (or Candelmas/Grounghog Day). Our bodies are restless. They can sense what’s coming: the renewed vitality and promise of spring. They’re weary of the cold and staying so long indoors.
So how do our bodies want to celebrate this holiday in natural time? They like to party–the Superbowl brings such an opportunity for those of us in the United States. We want our pleasure endorphins released in a festive communal way, so that with happier hearts, we can skip through the remaining weeks of winter. If you’re not much of a football fan, skip the games and go directly to the goddess of Spring herself for your joy.
Brigid, the Celtic goddess of passion, poetry, inspiration and spring is often honored now. If you’re so called, you can reach out to her anytime in February to be sure to nourish your spring with her blessings. For three successive nights, light a small candle at the same hour. Focused internally on your heart, recite Brigid’s prayer below. When the poem is complete, close your eyes and wait to be touched by the goddess. You may blow out the candle when you’re done, or leave it burning until you retire. (Be safe: don’t leave a burning candle unattended.)
Brigid’s Prayer
This is the genealogy of the holy maiden Bride*,
Radiant flame of gold, noble foster mother of Christ,
Bride, daughter of Dugall the Brown*,
Son of Aodh, son of Art, son of Conn,
Son of Crearer, Son of Cis, son of Carmac,
son of Carruin, Every day and every night
That I say the genealogy of Bride,
I shall not be killed, I shall not be harried,
I shall not be put in a cell, I shall not be wounded,
Neither shall Christ leave me in forgetfulness.
No fire, no sun, no moon shall burn me,
No lake, no water, nor sea shall drown me,
No arrow of fairy nor dart of fay shall wound me
And I under the protection of my Holy Mary
And my gentle foster-mother is my beloved Bride.”
From the Carmina Gadelica, by Alexander Carmichael
*“Brighid” is also known as “Bride” or “Breed.” If you read about Brigid first, you may find your connection to Her is strengthened.
Do you long for a more intimate connection with the sky? Let 2020 be the year you act on this desire. You’ll find exquisite guidance and support my monthly Moon Workshop here. Deepen your relationship with the heavens and yourself!
MF says
Hi Dana! New Moon in Aquarius conjunct Saturn on my MidHeaven. Heaven in the heavens! Love your story. Calling in a Ganymede to help me in my personal and professional life. I too want to serve in a big way but also be able to come home to the ones I love. If that’s only me… well, so be it. But I hope not. 🙂
Happy new moon day!!
Namasté ~ asé
Julie says
OMG this just hit me! I didn’t do a formal ritual for this moon but I’ve spent the month actively spring cleaning the house and yard and doing feng shui for career improvement and new beginnings. Almost under my radar, because it took just about zero effort on my part, my home office is shipping me a new laptop! It’s supposed to arrive today. Thanks so much, Dana, for writing these pieces and encouraging us to think about the deeper flow!
Kristina says
Woke me up! Very well written…more than usual I mean. You hit the mark there. Many thanks from Stockholm, Sweden.
karen nylander says
I am in the weirdest space I’ve been for a long time. Help! It started yesterday — so tired from disappointments and work of the day that I forgot to do the New Moon ritual, indeed, I forgot it was the New Moon, which I was looking forward to. I remembered it this morning, with an “Oh, NOOO!” What can I do to make this up to the gods, goddesses, Aquarius and myself?
Dana Gerhardt says
The gods live in timeless time; you can make it up to them whenever your intentions are sincere. (I always do my New Moon rituals “sometime” during the New Moon period, when it’s appropriate for my flow. I don’t think the gods mind a bit.)
Grace Allison says
Yup today I have had the crankies… I want to jump out of my skin. New moon on my midheaven.
Mary McClain says
Thanks, Dana, for your inspired message
about the Aquarian New Moon!
It really resonates
with what I’ve been feeling!
Best Wishes!
katsmeow says
Thanks again Dana for some wonder things to work on this cycle. Aquarius also uses a 2 x 4 sometimes, seems to be that way this time. Happy month of February to you.
And we are Off!!!
Dana Gerhardt says
Ah, the 2X4–that can happen with the fixed signs!