At this New Moon, we find ourselves squarely halfway between eclipse seasons. This Virgo New Moon forms a critical square aspect to the upcoming Dec. 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse point at 23 deg. of Sagittarius. Accordingly, there is crisis in the air. Not only does this New Moon’s resonate with the coming eclipses in November and December, but Mars in Aries currently retrograde and exacerbating the ongoing tension of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn.
Chaos surrounds us in the U.S.; the ongoing pandemic and lock-down, social justice unrest, a frenetic campaign season, and a series of staggeringly destructive fires here on the West Coast. The eclipse midpoint months (currently, September and March) can sometimes be almost as chaotic as eclipse seasons themselves.
Everywhere we turn, our fellow humans are in peril and in need. One of humankind’s better traits is our instinctive reaction to others in need: “How can I help?” In this modern age, and particularly in the case of large-scale disasters, the most practical form of help usually takes the form of financial contributions to relief organizations. Historically, humanity has stepped up to the plate time and time again to contribute what we can.
Unfortunately, the current disastrous economic climate has more and more of us scrambling to cover our own basic expenses with little left over for others in need. And as one friend recently pointed out, “I just can’t give to every person in need or every cause that I’d like to. There are just so many of them.”
Ultimately, I think that as a society we are becoming a bit numb in the face of relentless horrors and destabilizing disasters. The devastation is just too enormous to comprehend. We might well wonder, how could our own paltry contribution make the slightest bit of difference?
This New Moon positions the Sun and Moon in practical, helpful Virgo opposed compassionate Neptune. Neptune’s compassion can be so great that it becomes overwhelming. When awash in Neptune’s waters, we can feel like taking to our beds and pulling the sheets over our heads; the pain, suffering, and difficulty around us are just too much to bear.
The Virgo New Moon attempts to pull us out of our overwhelm. Virgo is the sign of practical service. We see its calm, capable nature in a nurse who offers capable, soothing service day in, day out, in the face of relentless suffering, or the technician who methodically untangles your computer messes when you’re overwhelmed and ready to curl into a fetal position. Neptune asks that we merge in empathy with everyone and everything; but the New Moon in Virgo takes a practical and single-minded approach: just focus on each small detail in turn until bit by bit, you find helpful solutions.
Virgo insists that these solutions be visible and measurable. A reader commented on my blog, “I have been feeling more political, and less inclined to believe that we can change the world for the better through ‘New Agey’ means.” With a strong Neptune in my own chart, I believe in the power of ritual in whatever form it takes, whether prayer, chanting, candle-burning, talismans, or other well-intended symbolic pleas to invisible forces. But with several planets in Virgo, I confess that I have stronger faith in the power of practical action to change the world. The voices of my late Virgo Moon parents advise me to meditate, do my rituals, beseech the gods for mercy… and then roll up my sleeves and get to work. That could mean helping someone close to you who is suffering emotionally or financially, writing extra-large checks to those who provide service to you, or simply donating to a cherished cause in an amount that seems much too small to help.
The message of this Virgo New Moon trine pragmatic, determined Saturn, is that we must reject overwhelm and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Virgo is attentive to details, so right now it would help to break problems down into discrete, manageable components, attending to each in turn. Even the smallest, most localized effort makes a huge difference to those whom it helps. When the world’s pain and troubles — or our own — threaten to overwhelm us, beautiful Virgo reminds us that there is always something we can do to help.
Terry says
Thanks for your thoughtful post April! Facing the tension between prayer and action is challenging us all it seems…. I love how you closed showing that it’s not “either- or”… but rather both are needed, at whatever scale possible, in any moment… in all moments…
Elizabeth Carver says
Thank you for your words. I didn’t realize, until reading this, that I am feeling similarly to the person who wrote about the “new agey” means. Especially after hearing stories about the money we’ve sent to certain charities. Can you suggest an agency to give to that is doing good work with its resources?