If you’ve ever taken a Bikram yoga class, then you know the meaning of the word endurance. Now imagine swimming 110 miles in shark-infested waters for 53 hours straight. Endurance swimmer Diana Nyad made headlines this week for doing just that, becoming the first person to brave the waves from Cuba to Florida without the help of a shark cage.
Emerging onto the Key West shore on Monday, Nyad, 64, advised cheering onlookers, “Never, ever give up. You’re never too old to chase your dream.”
Five previous attempts were short-circuited due to boat trouble, storms, unfavorable currents or jellyfish stings that left her face swollen beyond recognition. But this time Nyad was fully prepared. She warded off jellyfish attacks by wearing a mask, as well as a full bodysuit, gloves and booties. And, her support team carried equipment that generated a faint electrical field around her, to keep sharks at bay.
Nyad was born 8-22-49 on the cusp of Leo and Virgo (time unknown), with Moon in Leo and Mercury in Virgo. Her dynamic combination of Leonine strength and stubbornness with Virgoan planning and patience is a great illustration of what’s possible this month.
The upcoming Virgo New Moon (Sept. 5, 4:36 a.m. PDT) provides the practicality, determination and sense of purpose to accomplish just about any goal, from launching a project to de-cluttering the house to swimming from Cuba to Florida. The Sun and Moon oppose Chiron, however, suggesting the need to overcome difficulties or wounds (Nyad’s face mask cut painfully into her mouth the entire time, yet she didn’t let it stop her). Successful outcomes are favored, as the New Moon receives support from lucky Jupiter in Cancer, iron-willed Saturn and North Node in Scorpio and empowering Pluto in Capricorn.
Just a few days later, on September 9, Mars in indomitable Leo squares Saturn in do-or-die Scorpio. This intense combo, which evokes images of surgeons, mobsters and race car drivers, will be approaching as the Sun and Moon join in exacting Virgo on the 5th. This five day period will help you ruthlessly face and heal deep wounds, excise something or someone toxic from your life, and tap superhuman inner strength to set amazing results in motion. Just be sure to avoid run-ins with the law, dubious folks or high-risk situations that could land you in the E.R.! If you channel the intensity in productive ways, the first half of September can be the breakthrough period you’ve been waiting for.
It’s going to be extra important to stay relaxed and focused this month. For help with this, check out my Virgo New Moon ritual from Astro Feng Shui: Making Magic in Your Home and Life. And, watch the mini-makeover video at the bottom of that page to see how one couple enhanced their Health and Work gua at the center of their home, and catalyzed a life-changing move.
Painting by Claudia Fernety. See more of Claudia’s work at her website.
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Blessings! Simone
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