As a schoolgirl, every year about this time, I’d take out a clean sheet of paper and with a bold, optimistic hand, write at the top: "The New Me." Then I would list all the wonderful qualities I was determined to adopt in the coming school year: "Smile." "Be helpful." "Always say something nice." In the weeks before entering 5th grade, I read Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends … [Read more...]
Virgin Goddess Meditation: Your One True Thing
As remote and antique a term as “the Virgin Goddess” may sound to our modern ears, the inner meaning of this archetype has a lot to teach us. An archetype of the Divine Feminine, the Virgin Goddess has been found in myths and religions since the beginning of time. She is the Egyptian Isis, "She Who Gave Birth to the Universe." She is the Roman Diana, "Lunar Virgin," goddess of … [Read more...]
Ritual: Virgo New Moon
3-Minute New Moon Ritual Ground your body, clear your mind... Become aware of your body. Notice how gravity holds and connects you to earth. It’s as though your body is an ancient stone temple—solid, strong, secure. Sanctify this temple. Imagine a priestess is pouring sacred water and scattering rose petals, all the way down, from your head to your toes. Any anxiety or … [Read more...]
Banishing Ritual for the Aquarius Full Moon
On this late summer evening, the full moon is in the air sign of Aquarius, opposite the sun in the fire sign of Leo, offering the elemental interplay of fire and air. These elements are ideal for rituals of purification: fire flames up and out, burning to ashes what obstructs. Air refreshes, blowing away what is old and stagnant. Purification rituals are especially potent … [Read more...]
three word post
this is it … [Read more...]