What might this scrappy Cancer Full Moon hold for us? Especially for those with planets from 20 – 29 degrees of Cancer or Capricorn, this is your time to shine. But think of this radiance more like moonglow than bright sunlight. Act on your own behalf, but do this with love. Feel into what means the most to you, even what you’re willing to fight or die for.
read the full article »»Full Moon in Cancer: Belonging
The mystery of how we choose a mate, close friendship, or even a place to live feels a little less random to me after that day in Okains Bay. Perhaps when a new person or place reverberates with uncanny familiarity, it’s not necessarily about past life connections, at least not our own past lives. Something electrical in me leapt to attention the first time I heard my future husband’s voice on the phone, and now I wonder: was it our Moore and Coffin DNA calling to each other in happy recognition?
read the full article »»Full Moon Play: The Great Mama Field
To see the Great Mama Field, first you imagine it. This isn’t a fantasy. You aren’t tricking yourself into seeing things that aren’t there. You’re using your imagination to awaken your body’s sensing of the subtler realms. You’re also activating the power to weave yourself whole.
read the full article »»Cancer Full Moon Asana
Find your grounded seat or your strong stance and place your hands to your center. Start moving your breath through your belly, chest, and ribs all at once. Notice any stuck or congested places. Imagine the warmth of the Sun entering your body and spiraling through your body in every direction. Take 4-8 breaths with that visualization.
read the full article »»3-Minute Moon Ritual
3-Minute Full Moon Ritual Drawing down the moon… Imagine above you the round glowing disc of the moon, bathing you in a protective circle of light. Vibrant with energy, your space is transformed, filled with the purity of spirit. Stand and raise your arms above your head. Let your palms face each other and curve […]
read the full article »»Capricorn New Moon: Reclaiming Power
As an earth sign, Capricorn favors endurance, patience, and a deep love for the land. It also brings a serious tone to this lunation, as it coincides with a time when many will set goals for the New Year. If you’re inspired to do so, by all means go for it. But if you’re still not sure what’s next for you, just stay flexible, hold off on major new beginnings, and finish up what’s left undone from 2024.
read the full article »»Capricorn New Moon: Level Up with Saturn
You can blame Saturn for so many things. He fills you with ambition. And smacks you with reality. Again and again. He puts authorities in your life who judge you. He gives you ladders to climb. And tests, lots of tests. Sometimes you pass. Often you don’t. His harsh tactics can bring buckets of insecurity, self-doubt, even self-loathing. Also, brilliance, mastery, and command. The Capricorn new moon is the perfect time to level up with Saturn’s blessing.
read the full article »»Capricorn Meditation: Think like a Mountain
Successful, striving Capricorn holds the wisdom that comes with patiently abiding the ever-moving, ever-changing cycles of time. At this New Moon, poised at the gateway to the New Year, it’s wise to honor the old alchemical adage “in your patience is your soul.” One way to do this is to “think like a mountain” and attune to the consciousness of eternity as it is reflected in nature.
read the full article »»Capricorn New Moon Asana
For this particular New Moon, I’m suggesting taking some time to rest on your side. If you live in a cold climate like I do, then you might especially enjoy some cozy attire, perhaps near a fire. Your only aim in side-lying rest is to allow your nervous system to slow down, and welcome yourself home to earth and breath.
read the full article »»3-Minute Moon Ritual
3-Minute New Moon Ritual Ground your body, clear your mind… Become aware of your body. Notice how gravity holds and connects you to earth. It’s as though your body is an ancient stone temple—solid, strong, secure. Sanctify this temple. Imagine a priestess is pouring sacred water and scattering rose petals, all the way down, from […]
read the full article »»