In early Feb. 1962, Hindu astrologers braced for a three-day period during which the earth would be “bathed in the blood of thousands of kings.” At the same time in Britain, others were also awaiting disaster, believing the earth’s poles would flip and 75 percent of the world’s population would die.
Why such dire prognostications? An alignment of six classical planets in the sign of Aquarius (Capricorn to the Hindus) for the first time since 1821. This rare phenomenon, punctuated by a Feb. 5 solar eclipse which was visible over India, sent thousands of terrified people scurrying for cover.
Of course, the world did not end. But some interesting things did happen in early February which relate to the humanitarian, futuristic Aquarius archetype. President Kennedy delivered his first speech entirely devoted to public welfare, proposing job training programs and day care for the poor. He also announced an embargo on goods from communist-controlled Cuba. Comedian Danny Thomas christened the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, which he’d vowed to create as a penniless youth. Also in Memphis, lunch counters were desegregated. The U.S. Air Force announced that after 15 years of investigating UFO sightings, they’d found no threat to national security and no sign of extraterrestrial vehicles under intelligent control. And, the British government announced it would soon grant independence to Jamaica.
The upcoming New Moon at 23 Aquarius (Feb. 11, 11:05 a.m. PST), once again features six classical planets (counting the Sun and Moon) in the fixed air sign of Aquarius. Some thought the 1962 alignment officially launched the Aquarian Age, while others think this New Moon, coming on the heels of the momentous Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in that sign, represents the true dawn of Aquarius. Because there are epochal shifts involved, it’s hard to say for sure. Suffice it to say that an exciting new era is upon us. Just look at all the progressive appointments and initiatives President Biden has already put forth in his first few weeks in office! (Hopefully they’ll stick, despite inevitable opposition from entrenched forces.)
At the New Moon, stubborn Mars in Taurus squares the Aquarius stellium, generating friction related to the march toward justice and equality. But Mars is debilitated in Taurus, so one hopes that justice for all will prevail. Though not a solar eclipse as in Feb. 1962, this New Moon does pack a punch. It’s a week prior to the first Saturn-Uranus square, a creative yet challenging clash between the old and new, which colors the entire year (exact Feb. 17, June 14 and Dec. 24). In fact, Saturn and Uranus, as co-rulers of Aquarius, disposit this New Moon. This element of tension can be seen with the uncertainty around Covid-19 immunizations and stronger variants of the virus, as we swing back and forth from hope to despair.
Also, Mercury is retrograde most of this month, which can relate to delays or unexpected developments. Yet overshadowing all (and visible in the southeastern pre-dawn sky) is a bright, beautiful Venus-Jupiter conjunction at 12 Aquarius. Mercury travels back to meet this affectionate pair just in time for Valentine’s Day! This uplifting energy bodes well for the humanitarian and progressive issues that are on the table – and for helping us bond with others, particularly old friends and long-term mates.
Adding to the mix, the Chinese New Year of the Metal Ox begins on Feb. 12. Oxen are focused and hard-working creatures that don’t let anything stand in their way. It is said that good fortune is available this year to those who remain patient and focused on their goals – especially progressive ones that support the good of all. 2021 is also forecast to be a good year for economic recovery and long-term investments. To cultivate the Ox’s favor, we’re advised to wear yellow and green, as well as metal accessories.
To sum up, it’s time to hold fast to what you believe in, and try to not engage in unwinnable conflicts with old-guard types. Good fortune comes from joining with like-minded friends and groups, and working hard on goals and activities that hold the most meaning for you. Be patient when it comes to expecting quick progress and take the high road wherever possible. Stay slightly detached, and enjoy plenty of time in the fresh air. Focus on visions for the future, even if you have no idea when they’ll come to pass. Looking forward to what you desire is the key to renewed hope.
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